Display Videos ( 1426 - 1450 of: 2178 )
Ramadan is a month of Worship. It is a month where all Muslims come together on one basic pillar of Islam without which a persons Islam is incomplete. In this lecture Yasir Qadhi shares with us some of the virtues of Islam.
In this video, Islam Story of Dr. Laurence Brown and Why he rejected Christianity and embraced Islam?
In this video, Dr. Lawrence Brown answers some of the BIG questions humans have:Who made me? Why am I here? I am a good person; is that not enough? Why can’t we worship God the way we want?
In this episode of Interfaith issues Dr. Brown explains the reality of the belief of Atheism and Agnosticism.
In this video, Yusuf Estes discusses about Islam versus Terrorism.
In this video Dr. Zakir Naik explains why it is not fair to claim that all religions are the same.
In this video Br. Yusuf Estes briefly explains the meaning of the word (Islam).
A brief explanation of the Islamic belief about the day of judgment by Omar Suleiman.
This is a very important topic on Repentance in which shaikh Omar shows the Importance of making Tawbah, its conditions, as well as practical ways and rulings concerning its various aspects. Must Watch!!!
In this lecture shaikh Omar talks on topic of “The Path to Paradise” this is a reminder on the path to Jannah, this is the unique path on which people will be successful if they follow it correctly.
In this lecture Shaikh Yusuf Estes describes some of the Miracles of Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him like the Holy Quran, the splitting of the moon, and the Prophet’s journey to Jerusalem and ascension to Heaven and the rest of the miracles.
In this lecture shaikh Bilal Assad talks on the topic of ‘The Final Message’ in which he explains the importance of this message and what is obligatory on us and what we must do in our life, how we can practice this message and how to convey this final message to others.
In this lecture shaikh Omar talks on topic of “The Angel of Death” this is a reminder on death and how a person should get ready before this day? Every soul will face death.
A great lecture delivered by Shaikh Bilal Assad on the topic of “Patience” in which he explained the importance and the reality of patience and also different types and levels of patience in the light of Quran and Sunnah, a very interesting talk.
This is a great talk about Muhammad’s Mercy, Allah’s Messenger was the kindest of men in the same way as he excelled all others in courage and valour. Being extremely kind-hearted, his eyes brimmed with tears at the slightest sign of inhumanity.
This is a great and important lecture which deals with the rights of parents and the pleasure of our parents is with us. How we should behave with our parents specially when they are older. Obeying our parents and entering into paradise is must for every good Muslim. The relationships are reciprocal. Duties of one side are the Rights of the other side. So in Parent-child relationship the Rights of parents are the obligations (duties) of the children and vice versa, the Rights of children are obligations (duties) of parents.
This is a very interesting lecture on ‘Fasting From Ones Desires’ what is the main purpose of fasting, and what are the benefits of fastings and the link between desire and fasting in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
This is a very important and very interested lecture by Bilal Assad in which he talks about the true, honest or the guanine Muslim, every muslim must be true, a fair Dinkum muslim. Islam commands us to practice the true teachings.
Quran, the last of the revelations of God, is a book that is insusceptible to flaw as promised by God.
A group of the worlds leading Scientists share their findings regarding various modern scientific facts mentioned in Quran and their accuracy as per today’s discoveries through latest modern equipments and tools.
Allah, has given us a brain to ponder and think with. And for this pondering, He has made available various of His creations in the pinnacle of perfection. This video details the creation of man (one of those many perfect creations that we are required to ponder upon) and outlines the mention of it in Allah’s book (The Holy Qur’an).
Just as communal peace is a key ingredient to avoid civil unrest, the being of ones heart at peace is crutial to avoid personal unrest. Islam came with an equation for both these types of peace. In this video Yasir Qadhi speaks of the concept of peace in Islam.
One should know that he must face different minds while he is calling others to Islam. Nevertheless one should be very interested in calling others to Islam.
Abdur-Raheem Green speaks about how one can attain happiness in his/her life.
Omar Suleiman points out reasons why we should be grateful.
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