Display Videos ( 1251 - 1275 of: 2178 )
In this Day 20 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the importance of doing Dua in the last 10 nights of Ramadan. A Muslim must make dua to Allah (SWT) at all the time. Our dua will be powerful if it comes out from our heart sincerely and the Dua is an act of worship.
In this Day 19 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the meanings of Surah Luqman, Surah Al-Qadr and Allah is the all knower of everything. The importance of Lailatul Qadr, Allah has revealed one Surah on Lailatul Qadr to show its blessings, its benefits and reward. If a person fasts and worships in these nights then Allah (SWT) will forgive their sins.
In this Day 18 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the importance of the last ten days of Ramadan, its virtues, benefits and reward. The shaikh also emphasized on the importance of prayer, he showed the proper way to perform prayer and the purpose of our prayer is to glorify Allah. If a Muslim performs Salaah correctly then he will feel the Sweetness in Salaah.
In this Day 17 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained how a person can keep Khushoo in their Salaah, the first commandment is to worship Allah, the second commandment is to pray, the importance of establishing 5 times prayers, its benefits and the great reward will be given to those who perform it.
In this Day 16 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained Surah Al-Hijr, Allah (SWT) created the whole universe, the Quran and Hadith are very explicit, the Quran proofs everything and there is no scientific facts that goes against our book. We have to make sure that we believe in Allah (SWT) and worship him Alone without associating any partners.
In this Day 15 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the meaning of surah Al-Kahf, its importance, its benefits and its reward in reciting this surah. The story of Mosa and Khidr was explained in details.
In this Day 14 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the meanings of surah ar-Ra’d, Surah ar-Ra’d: Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves. Our religion is simple and pragmatical religion. A person can only be successful if they change themselves.
In this Day 13 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the meaning of surah Yusuf in brief. We should never lose hope in Allah’s Mercy. There are many examples in the story of Yusuf, we shouldn’t be jealous with our families and relatives. The importance of loving our children, teaching them good manners and Allah’s forgiveness is the most important aspect in our life.
In this Day 12 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the miracles of the Quran, Allah also challenges people to bring something similar but no one could bring anything. The Miracle of the Quran is very powerful. The Quran is the miracle and the message together and the Quran is a unique book of Allah. May Allah (SWT) make us from the true believers of the Quran.
In this Day 11 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the meanings of Surah At-Tawbah and the story of Ka’ab ibn Malik was explained in detail. We should be sincere in front of Allah, no lying and no cheating.
In this Day 10 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the importance of reading the Holy Quran, we should believe that Quran is the words of Allah, Quran is the divine book of Allah and the Quran is the Speech of Allah. When a person reads Quran Allah will increase his Imaan.
In this Day 9 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the introduction on Zakah, its importance, its reward, it is the basic fundamentals of Islam and we should try to give Zakah to the poor people. Zakah purifies our wealth. At the end, the shaikh explained the categories of Zakah, he showed different ways to calculate our zakat.
In this Day 8 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the definition of Surah Al-Anam in brief, this is the powerful surah because it is talking about Theology, the oneness of Allah, the Tawheed and Aqeedah. The real life is the life of Islam. We must realize the importance of worshiping One God and the importance of this Life. Our relation with Allah (SWT) needs to be very strong. May Allah make us live as Muslims and die as Muslims.
In this Day 7 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained that the religion Islam was send down completely. Religion Islam is perfect and complete. All the Islamic laws have been perfected. This is the brief explanation of Surah Al-Maida.
In this Day 6 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the rulings of Fiqh of praying Taraweeh and Witr. The night prayers sometimes called Taraweeh, Qiyam-ul-Lail and Tahajjud. We have been told to pray the night prayers because it is the sunnah of our prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him. The best salah after the fard prayers that anyone can pray is Tahajjud Prayer. This will make us closer to Allah, it will forgive our sins and purifies our body from diseases. The importance of these prayers, its timings and reward is explained in detail. How many Taraweeh rakats a Muslim should pray?
In this Day 5 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he told us to worship One God and then be kind to our family and relative. Allah will make a person rich if he is happy with his family. In this lecture the Shaikh spoke on the importance of family, its virtues and rewards. Let us be of those who has better Akhlaaq.
In this Day 4 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he urged everyone to unite each other, forgive each other and be helpful to each other. We should love the Muslims for the sake of Allah. We should understand the blessings of unity in Islam. We are all one ummah and we should be united.
In this Day 3 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the meanings of Ayat ul-Qursi, its reward in reciting and it is the greatest ayah in the Quran. The verse of the Throne of Allah, we should try to read Ayat ul-Qursi before we go to sleep and Allah will keep us safe.
In this Day 2 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the meanings of Dhikr, its virtues and benefits. We should try to remember Allah at all the time. Dhikr protects the believers from on coming problems. There are many blessings of Dhikr, when we remember Allah then Allah remembers us.
In this episode, Br. Shadid Muhammad shows how he embraced Islam and how he hated God and used to curse God when facing difficulties. He shows that he already believed in God, disbelieved trinity and refused to go to Church. Afterwards he shows the reasons behind embracing Islam, the nature that Allah created people.
In this episode, Br. Hamza Andreas Tzortzis shows how he embraced Islam. He introduces himself and speaks about his youth. Afterwards, he related a story which will not only have you laughing but also crying at the same time.
In this episode, Dr. Lawrence Brown relates what happened when his daughter was at the verge of death. At that time, he prayed to God although he was an atheist.
In this episode, Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses the issues of pornography women and marriage in Islam. He shows that hijab is to honor and elevate women not to punish them. Meanwhile, he confirms that if a person wants to get a worldly prestige, s/he has sacrifice. He shows deep meanings regarding hijab and the dangerous results of pornography for both boys and girls.
In this episode of the Deen Show, Sh. Karim Abu Zaid discusses some points: shows the formula to success, confirms that we have to stop hating others, shows the relationship between soul and body and the food for each, mentions some beautiful meanings about prayer and also shows the best solution for depression which lots of people suffer.
In this episode, Sh. Khaled Yasin explains that we should try to make people convince of Islam’s rulings through practical steps not just theoretical opinions. We should try to make people know that Islam has solutions for all problems such as Interest, drinking alcohol, having cigarettes and suicide.
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