Display Videos ( 1226 - 1250 of: 2178 )
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi demonstrates and gives practical advice on how to wear the Ihraam.
Allah has chosen certain times, days and places over others to be more holy. No doubt the nights of Ramadan are the most blessed, but more blessed than the days of Ramadan are the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah - The Month of Hajj Prophet Muhammad (ṣallallāhu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, "There are no days of the year in which righteous deeds done in them are more beloved to Allah than the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah!" Shaykh Yasir Qadhi explains the superiority of these days and enlightens us with deeds that can be done in these 10 blessed days.
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi’s khutbah on Hajj “The Sacred Journey of a lifetime”,
the time is now. Your heart yearns for a journey of purification. In a pilgrimage conducted by Prophets across time, the call of Ibrahim was heard and responded to by the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It is our duty to each answer the call and visit the House of Allah (SWT). You are seeking the ultimate journey of the heart and you are ready to depart now! Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him, said: "Whoever performs Hajj to this House -- the Ka’bah- and does not commit any obscenity and wrongdoing, he, or she, will come out as the day he, or she, was born - pure and free from sins." - [Hadith]
Da’wah Advice to Young Muslims by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi As seen on Peace TV from the show ’In the Company of Scholars’ featuring Yassir Fazaga, Dr. Zaghloul El Naggar hosted by Brother Yusuf Idris. This is a brief reminder on the importance of giving Dawah to Muslims and Non Muslims.
One of the greatest blessings that Allah has blessed mankind with is the blessing of family. If Allah wanted to He could have created mankind to reproduce asexually, but it is of the blessings and miracles of Allah that He created us in pairs of male & female so that we can find comfort and peace in one another. The family is the building block of society but with every blessing comes responsibility & trials and so each spouse needs to work to ensure their marriage is the best marriage! Shaykh Yasir Qadhi dedicates his khutbah to the rights & responsibilities of a Muslim couple.
When our Prophet (ṣallallāhu ’alayhi wa sallam) was engaged in the greatest act of worship in the most humble position of prostrating to Allah, his grand child Hassan (ra) jumped onto his back and our Prophet (ṣallallāhu ’alayhi wa sallam) lengthened his prostration so that Hassan (ra) would not fall off and get hurt. Our Prophet (ṣallallāhu ’alayhi wa sallam) loved children and he would often kiss his grand children Hassan (ra) & Hussain (ra) and play with them. Children are one of he greatest blessing from Allah but with every blessing comes responsibility. How do we perfect the relationship between us and our children? How do we raise our children in the best way to make the best of families?
To many people the ’Evil Eye’ is just superstitious beliefs and fabricated myths of old... to others it’s an excuse of placing the blame for everything wrong in their lives. So what is the Evil-Eye? ...Is it a myth, superstition or reality? Shaykh Yasir Qadhi discusses this important topic of this burning jealousy of the heart that has the potential to harm the opposite person.
A sign of Allah’s love for someone, is that He puts them through trials & tribulations in this world. What is the wisdom behind these trials and how should a Believer respond when he goes through difficulty and hardship? Shaykh Yasir Qadhi dedicates his Khutbah to a short tafseer of Surah ash-Sharh at one of the first Masjid ever build in North America!
Every Prophet of Allah (SWT) was given miracles because of which his people believed in him, but the greatest miracle that our Prophet (ṣallallāhu ’alayhi wa sallam) was given was the miracle of the Qur’an. The Qur’an is such a powerful miracle that it eclipses all the other miracles! Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi dedicates his latest Khutbah on the miracle of the Qur’an. A sermon not to be missed!
Tragedies & Calamities are a part of life, no one amongst us goes by a week, or a month, or a year - except that each one of us experiences pain. As we go through these problems it is possible that our faith is shaken. How should the Believers respond to tragedies & calamities? Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi dedicates his latest khutbah to Understanding Tragedies & Calamities.
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi gives an insightful reflection on the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) "Take benefit of five before five!" A brief reminder for everyone.
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi’s khutbah on Lessons from the life of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) - Hajj the legacy of a Prophet and millions have gathered together in the most blessed land on earth to perform the rights that commemorate the actions of one great man - Prophet Ibrahim (AS). Ibrahim (AS) is the single most respected human being on earth, a man whom Allah commands our Prophet (ṣallallāhu ’alayhi wa sallam) to take as a role model. He is the only human whom Allah calls, an Ummah by himself, in the Qur’an - What did Ibrahim (AS) do to earn this great honour that makes his Emaan equal to an entire Ummah of 1.6 billion Muslims!
A very informative and important Khutbah by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi on the wisdom and benefits from the Story of Khidr and Musa Peace be upon them.
This Friday Khutbah (sermon) covers the lessons from Surah al-Qalam (the 68th Chapter of the Qur’an). It is one of the very first stories ever revealed in the Quran. It touches on many aspects of positive uses of wealth by analysing the story of The Companions of the Garden.
Surat Al-Kauthar is the shortest chapter in the Qur’an, but it carries a blessing so powerful that it was more beloved to the Messenger of Allah (ṣallallāhu ’alayhi wa sallam) than the world and everything in it! Shaykh Yasir Qadhi gives a short tafseer of Surat Al-Kauthar.
A North American Premiere of the Friday Khutbah using PowerPoint visuals by Dr. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, a khutbah based on the Tafseer of Surah Hujurat, a Surah teaching us the manners & etiquette of addressing the Messenger of Allah (ṣallallāhu ’alayhi wa sallam).
One of the signs of a strong Emaan is that one has a soft & pure heart, and of the signs of weak Emaan is that one has a hard heart! The heart is the main organ of our spirituality and relationship with Allah. What are the symptoms of a hard heart? What are the causes that make our hearts hard? ...and how do we cure our hearts and make them soft & serene? Shaykh Yasir Qadhi dedicates his latest khutbah to a crucial yet oft-neglected topic of how to cure the diseases of the heart.
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi dedicates his khutbah to a topic that we rarely find discussed in the mainstream. The calmness your heart desires has arrived. Cleanse your heart and taste the sweetness of true submission. Give your heart a much needed ’health check’. Determine whether or not your heart is ready for the journey to Jannah... "The day that neither wealth nor sons will be of any benefit except for he who comes to Allah with a pure heart." - The Noble Qur’an, (26:88-89).
This Friday Khutbah covers the Blessings and etiquettes of Khutbah and the day of Jummuah (Friday). How Allah (SWT) Blessed us with this day? The major things that will take place on this day and Friday is the best day of the week.
An exclusive interview with Shaykh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi sharing his journey from being a Chemical Engineer to a Scholar of Islam. Be inspired from his work and learn from his positive attitude towards life whilst connecting with his Creator. Interview conducted by Sajid Varda on Islam Channel in London, UK.
The blessed month of Ramadan is soon to come to an end, where will we all go from here? Don’t be a Ramadan only Muslim, verily the Lord of Ramadan is the same Lord that gives us blessings throughout the year. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi dedicates his latest Khutbah on how to ’Raise our Game’ after Ramadan.
In this Day 24 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the main benefits of Ramadan, Ramadan re-introduces us to the religion of Islam, Ramadan makes us feel what is the pleasure of being a Muslim, Ramadan allows us to taste what Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him himself called Taste (Halawat Al-Imaan) and there is nothing sweeter then worshiping Allah (SWT). We should try our best to carry on after the month of Ramadan in worshiping, reciting the Holy Quran, giving charity and asking forgiveness from Allah. May Allah (SWT) accept all our good deeds in this blessing month of Ramadan, Ameen!!!
In this Day 23 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the meanings of Surah Al-Hashr, its importance and Living with the Majestic Names & Beautiful Attributes of Allah. May Allah make us memorize these names and act upon them.
In this Day 22 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained the etiquettes of Dua, we should make sure that when we ask Allah we must praise Allah (SWT), we should try to use Allah’s names and attributes in our Dua’s and we can also mention our goods deeds in our Dua’s. The sunnah is to make Dua by ourselves.
In this Day 21 “Ramadan Reminder” by Shaikh Yasir Qadhi in which he explained some of the etiquettes and manners of making Dua to Allah. We must do Dua in the language we understand it because it is an act of Worship. The correct way to do Dua and ask Allah’s forgiveness is described in brief.
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