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In this 4rd episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about his experience on fasting for the first time after accepting Islam, after taking the declaration, he started to pray 5 times a day, fasting in the month of Ramadan, started giving charity and went on pilgrimage to Makkah for Hajj.
In this 3th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about the virtues for doing Umrah in Ramadan, the importance of Iteekaaf and Ibadah. Ramadan is the best time to give Dawah to Muslims and Non-Muslims.
In this episode Shaikh Yaser Qadhi explains the importance of fasting the six days of Shawwal, its Rulings and its reward in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
As the crescent for the new month dawns upon us Shaykh Yasir Qadhi has prepared a special khutbah on 10 practical tips on how to end Ramadan in the best way and keep the spirit of Ramadan alive throughout our lives and until we meet Allah, insha’Allah.
This Friday Khutbah provides 10 practical tips and reminders on how to end Ramadan in the best way and the Sunnah of celebrating Eid.
This Friday Khutbah covers the Night of Decree Laylatul Qadr by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi. The significance of the Night of Decree, signs of Laylatul Qadr, the night of power majesty and decree in the last 10 nights of Ramadan. The meanings of Laylatul Qadr, the reward and the virtues of this night was explained in detail.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Laylatul Qadr” in which he explained the meaning of Laylatul Qadr, the virtues of the night of power, it is better then 1000 months worship, this is a night of decree and if any one prays in this night Allah will forgive all his previous sins. The importance of the night of power, its benefits, its reward and its blessings for those who worship in it. A very important episode. Must Watch!!!
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Zakaah” in which he explained the meaning of Zakaah according to Quran and Sunnah, Zakaah is one of the important pillars of Islam, paying zakaah to poor is a sign of charity, paying Zakaah will increase the person’s wealth and Zakaah is compulsory on every Muslim who has wealth. The importance of paying zakaah to poor, its benefits and reward by Allah (SWT). A very detailed and beneficial episode.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Zakaah” in which he explained the meaning of Zakaah according to Quran and Sunnah, Zakaah is one of the important pillars of Islam, paying zakaah to poor is a sign of charity, paying Zakaah will increase the person’s wealth and Zakaah is compulsory on every Muslim who has wealth. The importance of paying zakaah to poor, its benefits and reward by Allah (SWT). A very detailed and beneficial episode.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Zakaah” in which he explained the meaning of Zakaah according to Quran and Sunnah, Zakaah is one of the important pillars of Islam, paying zakaah to poor is a sign of charity, paying Zakaah will increase the person’s wealth and Zakaah is compulsory on every Muslim who has wealth. The importance of paying zakaah to poor, its benefits and reward by Allah (SWT). A very detailed and beneficial episode.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Ramadan the month of the Quran” in which he explained the meaning of the word Quran, this is a book of revelation sent onto our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, there are many different names of The Quran, The Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan for the guidance of whole humanity therefore it is called the month of Quran and the great reward by Allah for reciting the Holy Quran in the month of Ramadan. We should try to read the Holy Quran by understanding its meanings. Allah challenges the people to bring something similar as Quran but they failed to bring and Allah has revealed this book and he is the guardian of this book until the day of judgement.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Ramadan the month of the Quran” in which he explained the meaning of the word Quran, this is a book of revelation sent onto our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, there are many different names of The Quran, The Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan for the guidance of whole humanity therefore it is called the month of Quran and the great reward by Allah for reciting the Holy Quran in the month of Ramadan. We should try to read the Holy Quran by understanding its meanings. Allah challenges the people to bring something similar as Quran but they failed to bring and Allah has revealed this book and he is the guardian of this book until the day of judgement.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Qiyaam Ul Layl Questions and Answers” in which he explained the rulings on Taraweeh prayer, is it Fard or sunnah? We should pray taraweeh slowly and steadily and it is not necessary to complete the whole Quran in Ramadan and whoever does this will be rewarded. The women should pray in the house. The Shaikh answered the questions in detail.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Qiyaam Ul Layl The Night Prayer” in which he explained the meanings of Qiyaam Ul Layl and Taraweeh, what is the difference between these two definitions, the reward for praying Qiyaam Ul Layl and Taraweeh. Which is the best time to pray Qiyaam Ul Layl?
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Ramadan The Month of Supplications” in which he explained the meaning of Supplication, the importance of supplication, the timings in which a person’s supplications are accepted and the situation in which a person’s supplications are rejected. Some of the important supplications mentioned at the end of the episode.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Ramadan The Month of Repentance” in which he explained the meaning of Tawbah, the difference between Tawbah and Istegfar, Why we should seek repentance in this month?, What are the merits of seeking forgiveness?, the importance of repentance, its benefits and its reward in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “The Benefits of Fasting” in which he explained the physical benefits of fasting and social benefits of fasting. There are many medical benefits of fasting. Fasting is very helpful for those who have diseases.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “The Objectives of Fasting” in which he explained the main objectives of fasting, seeking the pleasure of Allah, obtaining Taqwa, to enter in paradise, forgiveness of sins, seek the reward of Allah, forgiveness of our sins, to acquire Shafaah, to realize the bounties of Allah, to increase our will power, to acquire good deeds, to gain more honesty, it is to decrease our desire, to abstain from false speech and to abstain from false actions.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Suhoor and Iftaar” in which he explained the meaning of Suhoor and Iftaar, its benefits, and reward. The Prophet said it is a blessing in suhoor, a muslim should Break the fast on time and the importance of suhoor and Iftaar.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Acts Recommended and Discouraged during Fasting” in which he explained the acts which Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him recommended like; having suhoor, having suhoor at latest time, breaking the fast as early as possible, breaking the fast with dates and water, supplicating to Allah, being more generous in Ramadan, performing Umrah, attending Islamic programs, reciting the Holy Quran, being extra good towards our family, performing salah in the mosque, doing Itekaaf, performing Taraweeh and Qiyammulail.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Acts Permitted During Fasting” in which he explained the things which doesn’t brake the fast; like bathing, swallowing the saliva, cleaning the mouth, eating and drinking unintentionally, vomiting unintentionally and using tooth paste.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Acts that Invalidate the fast” in which he explained the acts that are invalidate the fast according to the Quran and Hadith and what are the major acts that invalidates once fast. If a person unintentionally eats will his fast be invalidated?
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “When is Fasting Obligatory and Exempted?” in which he explained when a person should fast, the age in which they must fast and those people who are exempted from Fasting.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Introduction to Ramadan” in which he explained the meaning of Ramadan and the meaning of Fasting. The different types of fasts and its benefits. A great advice for those people who don’t care about Fasting from the light of Quran and Sunnah.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Common Errors in Ramadan” in which he explained the common errors committed by Muslims During Ramadan, common errors in obligatory rules and regulations of fasting, errors made in understanding the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, common errors in things that are prohibited and the other common errors committed in the month of Ramadan.
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Let’s Welcome Ramadan” in which he explained the importance of Ramadan, the importance of fasting, the importance of reciting the Holy Quran, remembering Allah by asking his blessings and mercy and also asking Allah to forgive his sins.
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