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This is an episode for fatwa in which Dr. Muhammad Salah gives answers to some questions about all fields of life.
This is an episode for fatwa in which Dr. Muhammad Salah gives answers to some questions about all fields of life.
Menstrual and Postnatal Periods
Jesus is a figure common to both Muslims and Christians. Shaikh Abdur Raheem Green has researched the truth about Jesus for many years. In this presentation he objectively clarifies many misunderstandings about Jesus.
Excellent talk given by Abdur Raheem Green about the mythological and the historical Jesus. This lecture also sheds some light on how this mythological Jesus, the doctrines of the trinity and original sin came about as well as how the early Christians were not concerned with the alleged death and resurrection of Jesus. The information mentioned in this lecture is from mostly Christian scholars and historians.
We all sin, but how many of us commit major sins without even realizing? In this lecture, shaikh Abdur Raheem Green acquaints us with some of the major sins, including to speak about Allah and His religion without knowledge. Some scholars said this is worse than shirk, and Br Green discusses the reasoning behind this. Other major and often neglected sins include arrogance and pride, to support the disbelievers against the believers, magic and fortune telling, showing off and innovation in the religion.
An excellent lecture to stock up on in your Dawah arsenal! Abdur Raheem Green speaks about the wonders of Islam for a non-Muslim audience.
In this lecture sheikh Abdur Raheem Green talks on the topic of Surviving in the West.
In this lecture sheikh Abdur Raheem Green talks about the current crisis all round the world.
In this lecture Shaikh Abdur Raheem Green talks about Islam – The Misunderstood Religion, in which he described who is Allah? What is religion Islam? Who is Muhammad? And so on, in the end sheikh answered the audience questions.
In this lecture Shaikh Abdur Raheem Green talks about Giving Glad Tidings to the Stranger, in which he described the hadith of the Prophet Peace be upon Him "Islam began as something strange, and it shall return to being something strange, so give glad tidings to the strangers." - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Abdur-Raheem Green talks about an important question that is in the minds and in the tongues of many people. It is a claim, an accusation, in fact it is a slander that is made against the religion of Islam. That Islam oppresses women. Abdur-Raheem demonstrates that this is not only a lie and a slander, but also shows which people, nation and ideology is really responsible for oppressing women. He also looks and defines what the word "oppression" means and what Islam says about it. An educational video about the slander that some tend to promote, "Islam oppresses women." Listen in as you learn about the meaning of "oppression" and rights that are presented by Islam to women.
This lecture is about three of the final prophets to be sent to the world. Who were they? Did they have different messages or same call? Same religion even? The world today has three major monotheistic religions Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Each of these religions believe in messenger and those are Prophet Muhammad, Prophet Isa and Prophet Moses Peace be upon them all. In this lecture we will also be focusing on Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him.
The Muslim Ummah is weak, divided and mercilessly attacked from all sides but what caused the Ummah to fall from its graceful state to this humiliated state? How can we rectify this situation? Abdur Raheem attempts to tackle these issues in this lecture.
In this lecture Abdur Raheem Green talks about Actions Speaks Louder Than Words, in which he warns people to think before they speak. A must see lecture!!!
In this episode, Sh. Mahmoud Murad discusses the issue of making our children accustomed to fast Ramadan. He confirmed that the true love for our children is to make them interested in the issues of the hereafter not only the world ones. In addition, he mentioned that the parents should be interested in this issue, for it is their responsibility and they will get a reward after death from their righteous sons.
In this episode, Sh. Mahmoud Murad talks about an issue we see a lot during Ramadan which is sleeping most of the day of Ramadan and missing prayer. In addition, he talks about wasting the time in shopping during Ramadan.
In this episode, Sh. Mahmoud Murad shows the Islamic ruling regarding eating and drinking while fasting. Some Muslims think fasting will be invalid. Sh. Mahmoud Murad tries to show this point in details and handles a very important aspect in this regard.
In this episode, Sh. Mahmoud Murad shows the Islamic ruling about making the intention at night to fast the next day. In addition, he talks about a very important topic which is making the intention verbally. He handles this topic from a very important aspect.
In this episode, Sh. Mahmoud Murad shows the wrong habits done by some Muslims regarding buying foods in Ramadan. He also mentions, not in details, some advantages of Ramadan.
In this episode, Sh. Mahmoud Murad shows the merits of the month of Ramadan and how we can use it. He confirms that Ramadan is a spiritual chance to get rid of our sins.
These are very interesting episodes delivered by Sh. Mahmoud Murad in which he discusses some issues about Ramadan such as using the time of Ramadan, extravagance in food supplies, intention for fasting, eating and drinking while fasting out of forgetfulness, sleeping most of the day of Ramadan and training children for fasting.
This is an episode for fatwa in which Dr. Muhammad Salah answers the questions of the viewers in all fields of life.
This is an episode for fatwa in which Dr. Muhammad Salah answers the questions of the viewers in all fields of life.
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