Display Videos ( 1926 - 1950 of: 2027 )
Why Joshua Evans Chose Islam?
A very interesting episode in which Eddie hosts the former Christian Youth Minister Joshua Evans who converted to Islam after studying a lot of religions as: Christianity and Buddhism. Evans shows issues made him leave Christianity and embrace Islam such as: the contradictions in the Bible, the pornographic phrases in it and verses which offend some of Allah’s Prophets considered the best creation. These verses make them in the worst images. Also, Evans mentions a proof that confirms Jesus isn’t a God. Finally he tells that in the beginning of his research, he excluded Islam from studying due to writings of an orientalist about Islam. During the break of the part one, Shaikh Yusuf Estes answers the question: Can Jesus be God?
Why Joshua Evans Chose Islam? - 2
A very interesting episode in which Eddie hosts the former Christian Youth Minister Joshua Evans who converted to Islam after studying a lot of religions as: Christianity and Buddhism. Evans shows issues made him leave Christianity and embrace Islam such as: the contradictions in the Bible, the pornographic phrases in it and verses which offend some of Allah’s Prophets considered the best creation. These verses make them in the worst images. Also, Evans mentions a proof that confirms Jesus isn’t a God. Finally he tells that in the beginning of his research, he excluded Islam from studying due to writings of an orientalist about Islam. During the break of the part one, Shaikh Yusuf Estes answers the question: Can Jesus be God?
Why Joshua Evans Chose Islam? - 1
A very interesting episode in which Eddie hosts the former Christian Youth Minister Joshua Evans who converted to Islam after studying a lot of religions as: Christianity and Buddhism. Evans shows issues made him leave Christianity and embrace Islam such as: the contradictions in the Bible, the pornographic phrases in it and verses which offend some of Allah’s Prophets considered the best creation. These verses make them in the worst images. Also, Evans mentions a proof that confirms Jesus isn’t a God. Finally he tells that in the beginning of his research, he excluded Islam from studying due to writings of an orientalist about Islam. During the break of the part one, Shaikh Yusuf Estes answers the question: Can Jesus be God?
Islam the Only Way to Peace and Paradise
An interesting episode in which Eddie hosts Shaikh Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips who talks and confirms Islam is the right and only way to the real happiness in this life and the Hereafter. At first, Shaikh Bilal mentions one of the Quranic miracles regarding the development of fetus and the program shows the words of both Prof. Keith Moore who is one of the world’s most prominent scientists in the fields of anatomy and embryology and Prof. Allison Palmer. Afterwards, Shaikh Bilal shows that if a person is sincere in seeking the true way, Allah guides him. He also tells us some important facts about Christianity. The program shows words of Prof. Bart D Ehrman Professor of Religious Studies at North Carolina University at Chapel Hill.
Hajj and Umrah Guide
It guides us on how to perform Hajj and Umrah and what must be forbidden and the etiquette of visiting the Prophet’s Mosque and Finally, some common errors that occur by many pilgrims.
Did you know that about Islam?
This is an interesting method to show the real Islam to the Christian. In addition, it discusses the concept of god in Christianity. All of that is based on the polite and quiet talk.
Witnesses of Thinkers about the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him)
The Global Program of Introducing the Prophet of Mercy presents the witnesses of thinkers about the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This show contains the witnesses of Michael Hart, George Bernard Shaw, Mahatma Gandhi, Gustave Le Bon, Leo Tolstoy and Wolfgang Goethe.
How Dr. Laurence B. Brown Embraced Islam?
In this Program, Br. Eddie hosts Dr. Laurence B. Brown, MD in “The Deen Show”. Originally, Dr. Laurence was an atheist and then he studied Judaism and Christianity but he found a lot of contradictions in them. Finally, he embraced Islam and authored many books to show these contradictions.
European Scientist converts to Islam
A European scientist converts to Islam after his knowledge of some scientific facts in the Quran which were only discovered in the twentieth century. This scientist hadn’t believed in God and even any religion but he later realized that Islam is the true religion so he embraced it and now he’s asking Allah to make him abide by Islam until his death.
What’s Your Purpose in Life?
In this interesting program, Shaikh Abu Ameenah pays the lost people’s attention to a very significant issue. He talks to those who don’t know the purpose of their lives in this world. Even if they want to know, they go astray due to the Devil’s tricks and blind faith. So Shaikh gives them a right and rational method through which everyone can know the right path in this world.
What’s Your Purpose in Life? - 02
In this interesting program, Shaikh Abu Ameenah pays the lost people’s attention to a very significant issue. He talks to those who don’t know the purpose of their lives in this world. Even if they want to know, they go astray due to the Devil’s tricks and blind faith. So Shaikh gives them a right and rational method through which everyone can know the right path in this world.
What’s Your Purpose in Life? - 01
In this interesting program, Shaikh Abu Ameenah pays the lost people’s attention to a very significant issue. He talks to those who don’t know the purpose of their lives in this world. Even if they want to know, they go astray due to the Devil’s tricks and blind faith. So Shaikh gives them a right and rational method through which everyone can know the right path in this world.
Hajj Step by Step
Very interesting episodes which we present to those who want to perform hajj. These are simple episodes but contain sound knowledge presented to be a beacon for the pilgrims who wants to avoid mistakes during this trip. Our teacher in these episodes is Shaikh Muhammad Salah who shows us the rites of hajj step by step as well as the ruling on each of them. He also shows the results (i.e. expiation and ransom) of leaving a rite of these rites. While explaining, he mentions the spiritual aspects regarding the rites. He always refers to the misconceptions and common mistakes made by pilgrims. Finally, he mentions the required etiquette which should be taken into account while visiting the Mosque of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Hajj step by step - 11
In this interesting episode, Shaikh gives general useful guidelines for the pilgrims and answers to some questions e.g. making ihraam in Jaddah airport although the pilgrims already crossed the meeqaat without making ihraam.
Hajj step by step - 10
Shaikh mentions in this episode the ruling on staying the three days of at-tashreeq at Mina and making tawaaf al-wadaa’ (farewell tawaaf) as well as the ruling on leaving them. He also shows the common mistakes made by pilgrims as to the latter. Thus, the hajj rites are finished. Finally, he mentions the required etiquette while visiting the Mosque of the Prophet and the Companions’ graves as well as the common mistakes which should be avoided during that.
Hajj step by step - 09
In this episode, Shaikh shows the rites of hajj on the 10th of Dhulhijjah, i.e. throwing the stones of the Major ‘Aqabah Pillar – which allows pilgrims to do the prohibited acts due to ihraam (e.g. shaving hair) with the exception of having intercourse – slaughtering, shaving or trimming hair, making tawaaf al-ifaadah and making sa’i between As-Safa and Al-Marwah – which allows pilgrims to do all the prohibited acts due to ihraam. Afterwards, the pilgrims come back to Mina to stay the three days of at-tashreeq, i.e. the 11st, 12nd and 13rd of Dhulhijjah to throw the stones of the three pillars (little, middle, and big).
Hajj step by step - 08
Shaikh Muhammad in this episode resumes his explanation as to the rites of hajj in ‘Arafah Day and mentions some common mistakes made by pilgrims in that day. Then, he begins to show the meaning of staying at Al-Muzdalifah and throwing the stones of the Major ‘Aqabah Pillar, and dispels misconception about the latter.
Hajj step by step - 07
In this episode, Shaikh Muhammad shows the meaning of the Tarwiyah Day and mentions the rites performed on the 8th of Dhulhijjah. Also, he mentions the rites of hajj performed on the 9th of Dhulhijjah, i.e. ‘Arafah Day and gives a full explanation about it. Afterwards, he shows the ruling on leaving ‘Arafah before the sunset.
Hajj step by step - 06
Shaikh Muhammad begins to explain how to perform sa’i between As-Safa and Al-Marwah and mentions the original story of that. Then, he mentions how to count the seven trips of sa’i. He also confirms that there are no certain supplications are said during sa’i. At the end, he shows the difference between man and woman regarding performing hajj.
Hajj step by step - 05
In this episode, Shaikh Muhammad answers the questions concerning tawaaf, e.g. forgetting how many rounds performed, breaking wudoo’ during tawaaf and being tired during tawaaf. Afterwards, Shaikh talks about the virtue of Zamzam Well. Finally, he illustrates the difference between the kinds of tawaaf.
Hajj step by step - 04
In this episode, Shaikh Muhammad mentions the prerequisites of tawaaf and the ruling on menstruation during performing hajj. Then, he shows how to make tawaaf around the Ka’bah, the place of beginning and ending of a round (shawt) and the meaning of idtibaa’ and ramal. Finally, he mentions the virtue of the Black Stone, the Yamani Corner and Maqaam Ibraheem.
Hajj step by step - 03
Shaikh Muhammad illustrates in this episode the meaning of talbiyah, and gives a full explanation as to the ruling of having intercourse or its introductions during ihraam. He also mentions the ruling on crossing miqaat unintentionally without making ihraam. Then, he shows the prohibited deeds during ihraam and the ruling on doing any of them advertently or inadvertently. At the end, he mentions the permissible acts for the muhrim.
Hajj step by step - 02
Shaikh Muhammad mentions in this episode the targets for which one should be keen to perform hajj, and the issues taken into consideration before traveling to performing hajj. Afterwards, Shaikh begins to show the first pillar of hajj, i.e. al-ihraam and illustrate the difference between the three kinds of hajj, i.e. al-ifraad, at-tamatto’ and al-qiraan. Also, he mentions the issues taken into account before performing hajj. Finally, he shows the mawaqeet of hajj concerning time and place.
Hajj step by step - 01
In this episode, Shaikh Muhammad Salah relates the history of hajj and shows that there is a whole Sura (chapter) in the Qur’aan called Al-Hajj. Also, He mentions benefits and conditions of hajj and afterwards says that there is a great threat in the Sunnah against those who are physically and financially able to perform hajj but they neglect.
Similarities between Hinduism and Islam
What is Islam? What is the relation of Muslims and Hindus in India? Where do these two religions which appear diametrically opposed differ and where are they similar? Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the relationship of Islam and Hinduism. He explores the Hindu Scriptures and how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was prophesied in the Hindu Scriptures. Dr. Naik attempts to find similarities between these two religions in the hope of Peace in India.
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