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The second and third names: Ar-Rahman & Ar-Raheem  (The Beneficent & The Most Merciful) (1)
In this episode, Shaikh Abu Ameenah explains two Names of Allah i.e. Arrahmaan (The Beneficent) and Arraheem (The Most-Merciful) because of the fact that they come from the same root and carry the same meaning. He shows that according to the Quraan and the Sunnah.
The first name: Allah (4)  & explanation of two Hadiths i.e.
In this series, Shaikh Bilal explains two Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad which they begin with the word Allahummah. The first Hadith is concerned with seeking Allah’s forgiveness. This Hadith is called “The master form of repentance”:
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“The most superior request for forgiveness is to say: O Allah, You’re my Lord there’s no god beside You. You created me and I’m Your servant following Your covenant and my promise to You as much as I can. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I’ve done. Before You I acknowledge Your blessings bestowed upon me and I confess my sins to You so forgive me for indeed no one forgives sins beside You”
The second Hadith is called “The prayer for seeking good”. Jabir ibn Abdillah (one of the companions of the Prophet) shows that the Prophet used to teach them this payer for seeking good in all of their affairs the way he used to teach a chapter from the Quran. The Prophet says:
“If any of you decide on a matter, he should pray two units of voluntary prayer and then he should say this du’aa’ (supplication) ‘O Allah, I seek Your guidance to what’s good for me because of Your infinite knowledge, I seek Your help because of Your infinite power and I ask You from Your infinite grace for surely You’re able and I’m not and You know and I don’t and You alone know the unseen. O Allah, If You know that this affair – and this is where you will mention the name of it – is favorable for my religion, my livelihood and my aftermath of my affairs then decree it for me, make it easy for me and bless me in it but if You know that this affair is harmful for my religion, my livelihood and the aftermath of my affairs then turn it away from me and turn me away from it and decree for me what’s better wherever it may be and make me content with it”
The first name: Allah (3)  & some of the daily supplications
Shaikh Bilal resumes his speech about the supplications and adhkaar which begin with Basmalah or saying Allahummah such as saying Basmalah before intercourse and saying some supplications which begin with the word Allahummah before sleeping or when we visit the sick people. At the end of this episode, Shaikh Bilal simply explains a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The Prophet said (O Allah! I seek refuge in You from a heart which doesn’t fear you, from a prayer which will not be heard, from soul which never satisfied and from knowledge which has no benefit).
The first name: Allah (2)
In this episode, Shaikh Abu Ameenah resumes his speech about the supplications and adhkaar which begin with Basmalah or saying Allahummah. Afterwards he mentions some supplications which protect the Muslim from the devils and shows that we have to abide by the Prophet’s way concerning this issue and not to listen to other’s thoughts and experiments such as treating the possessed with beating or other methods which are not stated in the Quraan nor the Sunnah. He also confirms that not all what the Muslim suffers are stemmed from the devils or envy, but it maybe due to physiological reasons. So the Muslim ought not to always think that he is possessed or envied.
The first name: Allah
In this episode, Shaikh Abu Ameenah shows that the name (Allah) contains the meanings of the other Names because all of them come as a description of the Name (Allah) as in Basmalah (In the Name of Allah, the Most beneficent, the Most Merciful), for examples. Afterwards he mentions some of the prayers’ supplications and adhkaar which contain the Name (Allah).
How to apply the name of Allah in our day to day life
In this episode, Shaikh Abu Ameenah gives some examples of remembrance of Allah in our day- to- day life as in saying Basmalah (In the name of Allah) and supplications, for example. Basmalah, for example, is said before eating, drinking and relieving oneself, and the supplications begin with saying Allahumah (O Allah).
The greatest name of Allah
Shaikh Abu Ameenah resumes his explaining of the meaning of the greatest Name of Allah and shows the root of the word (Allah). He also shows that the Prophet (peace be upon him) always urged and encouraged his companions to remember Allah through the day-to-day supplications and adhkaar (remembrance of Allah).
Rules governing the names of Allah & how to understand them
In this episode, Shaikh Abu Ameenah resumes talking about rules by which we abide during studying Allah’s Names. Afterwards he explains the issue of the greatest Name of Allah and shows opinions of the scholars – as Ibn Taimiah and Ibn Al Qayyim – about this issue.
Worshiping Allah through His beautiful names
In this episode, Shaikh Abu Ameenah shows that the only way to know Allah’s Names is through the Quraan and the Sunnah unlike names which some claim based on mental deduction or philosophical ways. He also mentions some rules by which we abide during studying Allah’s Names.
An introduction for the names of Allah
In this episode, Shaikh Abu Ameenah confirms that any branch of knowledge has a level of importance according to what it contains so studying Allah’s Names is the most important branch of knowledge because it talks about Allah (glory be to Him). Afterwards he explains the meaning of deviation in Allah’s Names and gives some examples which illustrate this behavior.
An introduction for the series
In this episode, Shaikh Abu Ameenah shows his methodology of explaining Allah’s Names according to Allah’s saying in Surah Al-A’raaf {And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names. They will be requited for what they used to do}. He shows that the target of this series is to show how to apply these Names in our life.
Harmful Nature of Pigs and  Impermissible Foods
In this segment, Shaikh Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips confirms that the harms of the swine are so obvious and that it inclines to eat filth by nature so you cannot change its behavior. Afterwards he shows that Allah could not forbid us from the beneficial things but the harmful things.
Can God have a Son?
In this episode we talk with former Christian Preacher Minister Yusuf Estes and we ask him the question can God have a son? let’s see how he answers this important question clear your mind and enjoy the show.
Can God have a Son? - 2
In this episode we talk with former Christian Preacher Minister Yusuf Estes and we ask him the question can God have a son? let’s see how he answers this important question clear your mind and enjoy the show.
Can God have a Son? - 1
In this episode we talk with former Christian Preacher Minister Yusuf Estes and we ask him the question can God have a son? let’s see how he answers this important question clear your mind and enjoy the show.
How to call to Islam?
Calling to Islam is an obligation for those who obtain the knowledge. However, calling to Islam is a skillful matter that has special etiquette which needs to be educated to the callers of Islam.
How to call to Islam? - 10
Calling to Islam is an obligation for those who obtain the knowledge. However, calling to Islam is a skillful matter that has special etiquette which needs to be educated to the callers of Islam.
How to call to Islam? - 9
Calling to Islam is an obligation for those who obtain the knowledge. However, calling to Islam is a skillful matter that has special etiquette which needs to be educated to the callers of Islam.
How to call to Islam? - 8
Calling to Islam is an obligation for those who obtain the knowledge. However, calling to Islam is a skillful matter that has special etiquette which needs to be educated to the callers of Islam.
How to call to Islam? - 7
Calling to Islam is an obligation for those who obtain the knowledge. However, calling to Islam is a skillful matter that has special etiquette which needs to be educated to the callers of Islam.
How to call to Islam? - 6
Calling to Islam is an obligation for those who obtain the knowledge. However, calling to Islam is a skillful matter that has special etiquette which needs to be educated to the callers of Islam.
How to call to Islam? - 5
Calling to Islam is an obligation for those who obtain the knowledge. However, calling to Islam is a skillful matter that has special etiquette which needs to be educated to the callers of Islam.
How to call to Islam? - 4
Calling to Islam is an obligation for those who obtain the knowledge. However, calling to Islam is a skillful matter that has special etiquette which needs to be educated to the callers of Islam.
How to call to Islam? - 3
Calling to Islam is an obligation for those who obtain the knowledge. However, calling to Islam is a skillful matter that has special etiquette which needs to be educated to the callers of Islam.
How to call to Islam? - 2
Calling to Islam is an obligation for those who obtain the knowledge. However, calling to Islam is a skillful matter that has special etiquette which needs to be educated to the callers of Islam.
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