Display Videos ( 1826 - 1850 of: 2027 )
Islamic Education -3- Muslim Teachers
In third episode Dr Bilal Philips explains the importance of Muslim teachers, their attitude towards their students and towards the Muslim ummah. The qualities of a Muslim teacher and the correct knowledge.
Islamic Education -2- Muslim Students
In second episode Dr Bilal Philips explains who are the Muslim students? How should a Muslim student behave? What are the characteristics of a Muslim student? Students should work hard to obtain the authentic knowledge of Islam.
In the name of Allah: Al-Jabbar (The compeller)
A useful episode about the name of Allah Al-Jabbar (the compeller). This name was mentioned in the Quran one time, in surat Al-Hashr. This name is derived from the root “jabara” which linguistically has two meanings. The first is to force someone or something to do something. The other is to mend a broken bone or save someone from poverty. The name Al-Jabbar linguistically means arrogant and proud. Afterwards he shows the meaning of this name in relation to Allah and the effects of believing in this name.
Guide to Perform Hajj and Umrah
This is very interesting video which we present to be a beacon for the pilgrims and who wants to perform Umrah to avoid mistakes during this trip. It shows the rites of hajj step by step. He also shows the results (i.e. expiation and ransom) of leaving a rite of these rites. It refers to the misconceptions and common mistakes made by pilgrims. It also mentions the required etiquette which should be taken into account while visiting the Mosque of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Women in Islam, Liberated or Subjugated?
Abdur Rahim Green talks about Women in Islam - Liberated or Subjugated?
Why Jorge Garcia accepted Islam?
In this Show we talk to Jorge to find out why he chose Islam as his way of life and what was it about Islam that over took him and had him surrender and submit to the Creator of All. open your mind and humble your heart and Enjoy the Show .
What’s The Bible?
In this Show we bring on a Former Christian Preacher to talk about the Bible and what it actually is, please open your mind and humble your heart and enjoy the Show.
The Message - La ilaaha illallaah
This lecture will present the essential message which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and all the other prophets brought to humanity.
Islamic Shari’ah - Modern Challenges, Islamic Solutions
Shaikh Abdur Raheem Green talks about The Shariah - Modern Challenges, Islamic Solutions, describes the meaning of Islamic Shariah, Shariah is a complete way of Life, and the things that are prohibited in Islam.
Islamic Education -1- Introduction
Dr Bilal Philips talks about Islamic Education and importance of this Education, The aspect of Knowledge in Islam. He encourages students to strive towards the understanding of Islam.
Islam: The Religion Of Truth
How do we know Islam is the religion from Allah? How do we know Islam is the truth (Haqq)? Over fourteen hundred years ago a man came and called people towards the pure and beautiful religion of Islam. He was Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) the last and final messenger sent by Allah to guide mankind.
Today, many people claim to act upon the Deen of Islam, yet how many people act upon it with certainty?
Hijab: A Religious Symbol?
Dr Bilal Philips talks about the value of the obligation of hijab and to beware of display and unveiling, the characteristics of the Hijab are discussed, bringing the glad tidings promised (by Allah) to those women adhering to it. It also points out the danger of dazzling displays of ornaments and beauty as well as the terrible repercussions in this life and in the hereafter.
Priests and Preachers Enter Islam
This is a great Talk about how a Priest and Preachers came to the true understanding about Islam after all the Misconceptions they had had and then accepted it as a way of Life that is indeed from the Creator of the Heavens and the earth for the whole of mankind hope you enjoy.
Passion of Jesus: Son of Mary - Questions & Answers
Excellent talk given by Abdur Raheem Green about the mythological and the historical Jesus. This lecture also sheds some light on how this mythological Jesus, the doctrines of the trinity and original sin came about as well as how the early Christians were not concerned with the alleged death and resurrection of Jesus. The information mentioned in this lecture is from mostly Christian scholars and historians.
My Way to Islam
Amongst the multitude of religions, ideologies and philosophies, only one can claim to follow the preserved revelation of the almighty God.
This is an inspiring account of one man’s search for the true meaning of life, and how he chose Islam at the end of his journey. Another insight into why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
Jesus Christ is not God nor did God ever become a man
Did God Become a Man in Jesus Christ?
Is Jesus God?
Did He ever claim to be God?
Dr. Zakir Naik is our guest on today’s show, Dr. Zakir is the President of Islamic Research Foundation, He is a dynamic international orator on Islam and Comparative Religion.
Dr. Zakir has appeared on various international T.V. programmes and Satellite T.V. Channels Programmes. He has appeared on live interactive talk shows on radio in many countries.
He has, Alhamdulillah, successfully overcome challenges from prominent personalities of other faiths in dialogues and debates. His most famous debate was held in Chicago, U.S.A. on April 1, 2000 with an American Medical Doctor and Missionary, Dr. William Campbell, on the topic, "The Bible and the Qur’an in the light of Science".
He has authored books on Islam and Comparative Religion.
Does God Exist?
In this lecture Abdur Raheem Green addresses the age-old question, "Does God Exist?" The lectures begins by defining what a God is and continues to explore why it is common sense to believe in a Creator. He then brings forth the evidences from the Muslim Holy Scripture, The Quran, to detail the existence of the one true God.
Did Adam Worship Jesus Christ?
Former Christian Preacher Yusuf Estes answered some important questions about the father of all, the first man Adam.
What Religion was Adam on?
What happen to Adam and Eve?
Was Satan a Fallen angel?
Did Adam Worship Jesus Christ?
Beauties of Islam
"Beauties of Islam" with Sheikh Yusuf Estes on Huda TV.
Beauties of Islam - (34) - Preservation of Islamic Resources [4/4]
"Beauties of Islam" with Sheikh Yusuf Estes on Huda TV. Thirty four episode: Preservation of Islamic Resources [4/4].
Beauties of Islam - (33) - Preservation of Islamic Resources [3/4]
"Beauties of Islam" with Sheikh Yusuf Estes on Huda TV. Thirty three episode: Preservation of Islamic Resources [3/4].
Beauties of Islam - (32) - Preservation of Islamic Resources [2/4]
"Beauties of Islam" with Sheikh Yusuf Estes on Huda TV. Thirty second episode: Preservation of Islamic Resources [2/4].
Beauties of Islam - (31) - Preservation of Islamic Resources [1/4]
"Beauties of Islam" with Sheikh Yusuf Estes on Huda TV. Thirty first episode: Preservation of Islamic Resources [1/4].
Beauties of Islam - (30) - Understanding Islam
"Beauties of Islam" with Sheikh Yusuf Estes on Huda TV. Thirtieth episode: Understanding Islam.
Beauties of Islam - (29) - The Concept of Worship
"Beauties of Islam" with Sheikh Yusuf Estes on Huda TV. Twenty ninth episode: The Concept of "Worship".
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