Falih ibn Muhammad As-Sagheer

Title: Falih ibn Muhammad As-Sagheer
Short Discription: He was born in Zulfa, Saudi Arabia. He is a Professor in Sunnah Sciences Department in Faculty of Deen Pillars, Islamic University of Imam Muhammad ibn Su’ood in Riyad. He is also the General Supervisor of Sunnah Network Website which takes care of showing, teaching and defending the Prophet’s Sunnah and great biography. In addition, he is the imam of Hareesh Masjid in Jareer Area in Riyad. He has Master’s in Sunnah Sciences in 1402/1982 concerning studying and verifying "Al-Ghammaaz ala Al-Lammaaz fi Al-Ahadeeth Al-Mushtahirah" written by Shaikh Nooruddeen As-Samhodi, and Ph.D. also in Sunnah Sciences in 1405/1985 concerning studying and verifying "Musnad Abu Ya’la Al-Mausili" until the chapter called "Musnad Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri". He worked as the Deputy of Deen pillars Faculty from 1406 to 1409 AH. and Head of the same faculty from 1409 to 1415 AH. He is an active participant in many Media. He presented numbers of programs on the Quran Station, attended many conferences and symposia inside and outside KSA, authored more than 30 books along with Master’s and PH.D. and taught many courses of Islamic sciences inside and outside KSA.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Telephone Number: 0096612066330
Fax: 0096612066331
Website Telephone: 0096612068850
Website Fax: 0096612068840
E-mail address: [email protected]
Telephone Number: 0096612066330
Fax: 0096612066331
Website Telephone: 0096612068850
Website Fax: 0096612068840
Addition Date: 2009-12-16
Short Link: http://IslamHouse.com/260974
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