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What is Islam? What is the relation of Muslims and Hindus in India? Where do these two religions which appear diametrically opposed differ and where are they similar? Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the relationship of Islam and Hinduism. He explores the Hindu Scriptures and how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was prophesied in the Hindu Scriptures. Dr. Naik attempts to find similarities between these two religions in the hope of Peace in India.
What is Islam? What is the relation of Muslims and Hindus in India? Where do these two religions which appear diametrically opposed differ and where are they similar? Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the relationship of Islam and Hinduism. He explores the Hindu Scriptures and how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was prophesied in the Hindu Scriptures. Dr. Naik attempts to find similarities between these two religions in the hope of Peace in India.
What is Islam? What is the relation of Muslims and Hindus in India? Where do these two religions which appear diametrically opposed differ and where are they similar? Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the relationship of Islam and Hinduism. He explores the Hindu Scriptures and how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was prophesied in the Hindu Scriptures. Dr. Naik attempts to find similarities between these two religions in the hope of Peace in India.
What is Islam? What is the relation of Muslims and Hindus in India? Where do these two religions which appear diametrically opposed differ and where are they similar? Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the relationship of Islam and Hinduism. He explores the Hindu Scriptures and how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was prophesied in the Hindu Scriptures. Dr. Naik attempts to find similarities between these two religions in the hope of Peace in India.
What is Islam? What is the relation of Muslims and Hindus in India? Where do these two religions which appear diametrically opposed differ and where are they similar? Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the relationship of Islam and Hinduism. He explores the Hindu Scriptures and how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was prophesied in the Hindu Scriptures. Dr. Naik attempts to find similarities between these two religions in the hope of Peace in India.
What is Islam? What is the relation of Muslims and Hindus in India? Where do these two religions which appear diametrically opposed differ and where are they similar? Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the relationship of Islam and Hinduism. He explores the Hindu Scriptures and how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was prophesied in the Hindu Scriptures. Dr. Naik attempts to find similarities between these two religions in the hope of Peace in India.
What is Islam? What is the relation of Muslims and Hindus in India? Where do these two religions which appear diametrically opposed differ and where are they similar? Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the relationship of Islam and Hinduism. He explores the Hindu Scriptures and how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was prophesied in the Hindu Scriptures. Dr. Naik attempts to find similarities between these two religions in the hope of Peace in India.
What is Islam? What is the relation of Muslims and Hindus in India? Where do these two religions which appear diametrically opposed differ and where are they similar? Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the relationship of Islam and Hinduism. He explores the Hindu Scriptures and how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was prophesied in the Hindu Scriptures. Dr. Naik attempts to find similarities between these two religions in the hope of Peace in India.
What is Islam? What is the relation of Muslims and Hindus in India? Where do these two religions which appear diametrically opposed differ and where are they similar? Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the relationship of Islam and Hinduism. He explores the Hindu Scriptures and how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was prophesied in the Hindu Scriptures. Dr. Naik attempts to find similarities between these two religions in the hope of Peace in India.
What is Islam? What is the relation of Muslims and Hindus in India? Where do these two religions which appear diametrically opposed differ and where are they similar? Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the relationship of Islam and Hinduism. He explores the Hindu Scriptures and how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was prophesied in the Hindu Scriptures. Dr. Naik attempts to find similarities between these two religions in the hope of Peace in India.
What is Islam? What is the relation of Muslims and Hindus in India? Where do these two religions which appear diametrically opposed differ and where are they similar? Dr. Zakir Naik discusses the relationship of Islam and Hinduism. He explores the Hindu Scriptures and how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was prophesied in the Hindu Scriptures. Dr. Naik attempts to find similarities between these two religions in the hope of Peace in India.
Dr. Zakir Naik explains why it is compulsory for mankind to read the Qur’an with understanding.
Dr. Zakir Naik explains why it is compulsory for mankind to read the Qur’an with understanding.
Dr. Zakir Naik explains why it is compulsory for mankind to read the Qur’an with understanding.
Dr. Zakir Naik explains why it is compulsory for mankind to read the Qur’an with understanding.
In this episode, Shaikh Abu Ameenah shows the meaning of Allah’s Name: Al-‘Aziz (The-Mighty) which is one of the most indicated Allah’s Names in the Quraan. It’s often mentioned with other Name such as Ar-Raheem (The Most Merciful) Al-Hakeem (The All-Wise). This Name is derived from ‘Izzah (power, strengthen and dominance) and refers that Allah is able to take revenge on the wrongdoers and they cannot reply him. It also refers that Allah couldn’t be forced to do something. We learn from this Name that we should trust in Allah, be certain that he is able to answer our supplications, seek strength from him only as He says, “Whosoever desires honor, power and glory, then to Allah belong all honor, power and glory…” and forgive all people while we are able to take revenge on them as the Prophet (peace be upon him) did with those who hurt him and tortured his Companions even they tried to kill him.
This is a useful and interesting episode about explaining Allah’s Name: Al-Muhaimen (The Guardian). Shaikh Abu Ameenah shows that this name means the Guardian and the Supreme Witness Who watches over all that takes place in His creation so this meaning leads us to reflect on our thoughts, deeds and words. When we do the righteous deeds, Allah will guard us from evils through his mercy. Afterwards Shaikh Abu Ameenah gives us an effective remedy against the evil thoughts which lead us to commit what Allah forbids.
In this episode, Shaikh Bilal shows the meaning of Allah’s Name: Al-Mo’men (The Granter of Security) and its impacts in the universe. He also pays our attention that Allah confirms in his Book that he would never oppress any person. So we should believe in Allah’s justice and wisdom. Also, Shaikh Bilal refers to the rights of the neighbor and that we should provide him with security as the Prophet taught us. Finally, Shaikh relates a story concerning this moral.
In this episode, Shaikh Abu Ameenah shows the meaning of Allah’s Name: As-Salaam (the Bestower of Peace) which means to free Allah from any defect and to know that Allah is the source of security and safety. So the believer trusts in Allah’s promise and as a result of that he lives in this world while being sure that Allah will reward him for abiding by His Law. Afterwards Shaikh Abu Ameenah gives some points about as-salaam (Islamic greeting).
In this episode, Shaikh Abu Ameenah shows the meaning of Allah’s Name: Al-Quddoos (The Holy) which means the one who is perfectly free from deficiency and holy in all aspects. So we reject all qualities which are unsuitable for Allah such as rest (Genesis 2:2) or repentance (Exodus 32:14). Also, we reject the claims of those who say that Allah’s Law is backward and unsuitable for our times. Afterwards Shaikh Bilal shows that Allah didn’t create us aimlessly but He is the All-Wise.
A wonderful program about the beautiful names of Allah presented by shaikh Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips. He tries to pay Muslims’ attention to the importance of understanding the beautiful names of Allah. He explains them simply and shows how to apply them in our life.
In this episode, Shaikh Bilal explains three Names of Allah i.e. Al malek (The sovereign Lord), Al Maalek (The Owner) and Al Maleek (The King), and shows the linguistic difference between them. Although there is a linguistic difference but this is only applicable to the human qualities not the Attributes of Allah. Afterwards he gives answer to a frequently asked question i.e. why is there evil in the world although Allah doesn’t like evil?
In this episode, Shaikh Bilal mentions some impacts of Allah’s mercy as sending Prophets and Books, Paradise and rain. Some people confirm that it’s wrong to describe Allah as The Beneficent or The Most-Merciful and they do that based on invalid deductions away from the clear message of Islam. Afterwards Shaikh Bilal gives some methods through which we receive Allah’s mercy and confirms that one of them is to show mercy to people because Allah will not show mercy to one who doesn’t show mercy to people.
In this interesting episode, Shaikh Abu Ameenah gives answer to a frequently asked question i.e. we know that Allah is the Beneficent, the Most-Merciful and his mercy conquers his anger but why some people will remain in Hell forever? Afterwards Shaikh Bilal mentions some issues refer to Allah’s mercy. Finally, He advises people not to remember Allah fast but in a careful way to reflect the great meanings of Adhkaar (supplication).
In this episode, Shaikh Abu Ameenah explains two Names of Allah i.e. Arrahmaan (The Beneficent) and Arraheem (The Most-Merciful) because of the fact that they come from the same root and carry the same meaning. He shows that according to the Quraan and the Sunnah.
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