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In this episode, Ustadh Yasir Qadhi proves and demonstrates the extreme and meticulous care with which the Prophet (pbuh) protected the various aspects of tawheed. Just as alcohol and adultery were made haram, so too were all the roads leading to them. When this is the case for major sins, then it must be even more so for the sin of shirk.
Ustadh Yasir Qadhi discusses the concept of shafa’a or intercession. Which if misused and abused can also go against ones ubudiyya.
Ustadh Yasir Qadhi discusses the status of those that are worshiped besides Allah.
Ustadh Yasir Qadhi continues on the theme of acts which go against the manifestation of "La ilaaha illAllah - there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah". In this episode he discusses an important topic which is a stepping stone to shirk. This act is venerating and showing respect to graves and building structures or mausoleums over them.
Ustadh Yasir Qadhi continues his discussion on various aspects which go against ones "Ubudiyya - worship of Allah". In this episode he explains Islam’s position on Magic and Astrology.
In this episode discusses the topic of actions which go against ones Ubudiyya, or worship of Allah. He explains talismans, amulets, omens. What is their definition? What is the Islamic ruling on them? Good luck, bad luck, charms, superstition.
Ustadh Yasir Qadhi continues to speak on the topic of the manifestations of Ibada, or acts of worship which are due to Allah, and to Allah only. In this episode he discusses performing vows, sacrificing and seeking blessings. He also proves that this are acts of worship that can only be done through Allah.
In this episode Ustadh Yasir Qadhi discusses more manifastations of Ibadah - or acts of worship. In this episode he explains Dua, or calling out to Allah, and Istiadha which means seeking refuge with Allah.
In this episode Ustadh Yasir Qadhi discusses some of the most important manifestations and kinds of Worship.
1. Putting ones trust in Allah - Tawakul
2. Being patient at the decree of Allah – Sabr
Ustadh Yasir Qadhi speaks on the topic of Ibadah - Worship. What does it mean? What is the definition of the word Ibadah?
In this episode Ustadh Yasir Qadhi speaks on the conditions of "لا إله إلا الله Laa Ilaaha ill-Allah - There is nothing worthy of worship except Allah".
In this episode Ustadh Yasir Qadhi speaks about the concept of "Tawheed ul Uloohiya", the oneness of the worship of Allah.
In this 6th episode of Fundamentals of Faith, Shaikh Abu Ammar Yassir Qadhi continues from the last episode about our Imaan/Faith/Belief (Tawheed) in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala and the knowledge that brings life to our heart. He talks about that Tawheed-ar-Rububiya or the Unity of Lordship is not enough or sufficient for a person to become a Muslim. A must see lecture for all.
In this 5th episode of Fundamentals of Faith, Shaikh Abu Ammar Yassir Qadhi presents some of the proofs of the existence of God. This continues from the previous episodes about our Imaan/Faith/Belief (Tawheed) in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala and the knowledge that brings life to our heart. A must see lecture for all.
In this episode, Ustadh Yasir Qadhi explains the first category of Tawheed. Tawheed of Allah’s Lordship.

’Aqeedah is linguistically derived from the term ’aqadah’ - a verb which means "to hold fast to" or "to establish". According to our scholars, ’aqeedah is the firm creed and beliefs that one’s heart is fixed upon without any wavering or doubt. Are we certain about these beliefs to which our hearts should be tied? How well do we know the fundamental tenets of Islam, relating to our eman in Allah (swt), in the prophets, the books, the angels, the Last day and Qadr [fate]?
In this 3rd episode of Fundamentals of Faith, Shaikh Abu Ammar Yasir Qadhi continues from the last episode about our Imaan/Faith/Belief (Tawheed) in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala and the knowledge that brings life to our heart. He talks about the Blessings and Importance of Tawheed. A must see lecture for all.
This programme talks about Tawheed, the unshakeable belief in one God, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. Islam is based on the belief of the one true God. All Prophets, Peace be upon them all, were sent with the Message of the Oneness of Allah (SWA).
In this 2nd episode of Fundamentals of Faith, Shaikh Abu Ammar Yassir Qadhi talks about our Imaan/Faith/Belief (Tawheed) in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala and the knowledge that brings life to our heart. A must see lecture for all.
"And thus We have revealed to you an inspiration of Our command. You did not know what is the Book or [what is] faith, but We have made it a light by which We guide whom We will of Our servants. And indeed, [O Muhammad], you guide to a straight path –
The path of Allah, to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Unquestionably, to Allah do [all] matters evolve." [Surah Ash-Shura, [52-53]
In this first episode of Fundamentals of Faith, Abu Ammar Yassir Qadhi talks about the "Importance and Blessings of Islamic Knowledge". A must see lecture for all.

"The Prophet, Salalahu Alaihi Wa Salam, preach La Ilaha Ila Lah, and many are the miracles that he has been given, really we can talk hours and hours about the number of miracles. They don’t number in the hundreds, they number in the thousands! But his greatest miracle was the Miracle of the Qur’an. Whoever used to worship Allah Azza Wa Jall, then Allah is Al-Hayy, The Ever Living Who never dies!"

This programme talks about Tawheed, the unshakeable belief in one God, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. Islam is based on the belief of the one true God. All Prophets, Peace be upon them all, were sent with the Message of the Oneness of Allah Azza Wa Jall.
In this episode, Former Youth Minister Joshua Evans tells us how he embraced Islam after in depth search of the Bible. Then, he advises those who criticize Islam to learn about Islam through its sources not through the orientalists’ writings. Afterwards, he confirms that Muslims should show they worship Allah, the creator, because some people know something else.
Three important episodes talks about one of the most significant topics with which everybody is concerned. We all should have knowledge about all aspects about this issue. Brother Eddie hosts Shaikh Shpendim Nadzaku the Imam of the Muslim Community Center in Rockford, Illinois. Shaikh Shpendim shows virtues and benefits of marriage and the results of neglecting or delaying it. Finally, he mentions issues some people consider obstacles to get married.
Three important episodes talks about one of the most significant topics with which everybody is concerned. We all should have knowledge about all aspects about this issue. Brother Eddie hosts Shaikh Shpendim Nadzaku the Imam of the Muslim Community Center in Rockford, Illinois. Shaikh Shpendim shows virtues and benefits of marriage and the results of neglecting or delaying it. Finally, he mentions issues some people consider obstacles to get married.
Three important episodes talks about one of the most significant topics with which everybody is concerned. We all should have knowledge about all aspects about this issue. Brother Eddie hosts Shaikh Shpendim Nadzaku the Imam of the Muslim Community Center in Rockford, Illinois. Shaikh Shpendim shows virtues and benefits of marriage and the results of neglecting or delaying it. Finally, he mentions issues some people consider obstacles to get married.
Three important episodes talks about one of the most significant topics with which everybody is concerned. We all should have knowledge about all aspects about this issue. Brother Eddie hosts Shaikh Shpendim Nadzaku the Imam of the Muslim Community Center in Rockford, Illinois. Shaikh Shpendim shows virtues and benefits of marriage and the results of neglecting or delaying it. Finally, he mentions issues some people consider obstacles to get married.
The History of Christmas and Its Pagan Origins.
A very interesting episode in which Eddie hosts the former Christian Youth Minister Joshua Evans who converted to Islam after studying a lot of religions as: Christianity and Buddhism. Evans shows issues made him leave Christianity and embrace Islam such as: the contradictions in the Bible, the pornographic phrases in it and verses which offend some of Allah’s Prophets considered the best creation. These verses make them in the worst images. Also, Evans mentions a proof that confirms Jesus isn’t a God. Finally he tells that in the beginning of his research, he excluded Islam from studying due to writings of an orientalist about Islam. During the break of the part one, Shaikh Yusuf Estes answers the question: Can Jesus be God?
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