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In this episode of the Deenshow, we show an issue that lots of people around the world do not know that Muslims believe in the Prophet Jesus as they believe in the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them both).
In this episode, Sh. Shady As-Suleiman gives us a description of Paradise and the Hellfire. It is really a useful episode. He will also tell us about the death of Br. Sanel who passed away at same day this interview was done.
In this episode the Deenshow, we show the reality of the Satan and the Jinn through the Islamic texts along with interesting points.
This episode talks about the miraculous Quran which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) fourteen centuries ago. It has scientific facts for the atheists to know that Islam is the truth.
In this episode of the Deenshow, Sh. Kareem Abu Zaid gives a glimpse of how Shiites and Shiism differ from Islam with some demonstrative examples in the Islamic creed.
In this episode of the Deenshow, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan tells us about the beautiful attributes that the Prophet (peace be upon him) has through some situations.
In this episode of the Deenshow, Br. Ali Camarata relates his story of conversion to Islam. He was Born and grown up in the US where religion is not a major factor in many people’s daily life. When he was very young, his grandmother brought him. During high school, he left religion altogether and became an Atheist especially after discussing some matters with an Atheist staunch teacher. Later he joined the army and became a born-again Christian. Afterwards he converted to Islam after a deep searching about the truth.
In this episode, Dr. Laurence Brown confirms that the Quran is the verbatim speech of the Creator of mankind and there is no any book like this book. The Quran is a living miracle and the only way that you will truly come to know this is if you sincerely put it to the test.
In this episode, a former Christian monk comes on the show with a profound amount of experience with the Bible from Latin and Greek to tell us if God really was Jesus and if Jesus or God had a birthdate on Christmas.
In this episode of the Deenshow, we give you great advice on dating, marriage, love and relationships and how to be the happiest person in life. Give Islam a try! It has solutions and answers to all your problems so you can have a great loving relationship.
In this episode from the Deenshow, Dr. Muhammad Rida Bashir discusses how to have a blissful marriage in Islam through the following points: conflict resolution, avoiding combative communication, alarming statistics of divorce, real issues such as "My wife talks to much," "My husband is never home," "We do not spend any time together," and so on.
In this episode of the Deenshow, we show that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is prophesied and mentioned by name in the Bible.
In this episode from the Deenshow, Sh. Omar Suleiman shows the difference between judging someone and advising them to do or say something.
In this episode of the Deenshow, a Chinese, Filipino, African America and white American relate their stories of how they embraced Islam and found peace in it.
In this interesting episode of the Deenshow, Sh. Waleed Basiony gives advice to the new Muslims.
In this episode of the Deenshow, Sh. Waleed Basiony shows us the right way to happiness in this world and the world to come. He also shows that some people seek happiness through some wrong ways.
In this episode of the Deenshow, an actress/model relates her story of how she embraced Islam and found peace in it.
Lecture in French, which is the third in a series of lectures in the preferred translation of Islam, delivered by Sheikh Khalid Bin Abdul Rahman Al Shaya on the outskirts of Paris.
Lecture in French, which is the second in a series of lectures in the preferred translation of Islam, delivered by Sheikh Khalid Bin Abdul Rahman Al Shaya on the outskirts of Paris.
Lecture in French, which is the first in a series of lectures in the preferred translation of Islam, delivered by Sheikh Khalid Bin Abdul Rahman Al Shaya on the outskirts of Paris.
In this episode, Shaikh Assim Al-Hakeem explains the book of Purity from the Book of Umdat Al-Ahkam. He explained the thirteenth and fourteenth hadith from the book of Taharah in which he talk about conveying Salams to others, manners of using the toilet.
In this episode, Shaikh Assim Al-Hakeem explains the book of Purity from the Book of Umdat Al-Ahkam. He explained the tenth, eleventh and twelfth hadith from the book of Taharah in which he talk about starting with right hand in honored things, brightness on the day of Judgment because performing Wudu correctly and supplication when entering toilet.
In this episode, Shaikh Assim Al-Hakeem explains the book of Purity from the Book of Umdat Al-Ahkam. He explained the ninth hadith from the book of Taharah in which he talk about how to perform Wudu and choosing the right hadith is very important.
In this episode, Shaikh Assim Al-Hakeem explains the book of Purity from the Book of Umdat Al-Ahkam. He explained the eighth hadith from the book of Taharah in which he talk about how to perform Wudu, six pillars of Wudu, complete way to perform wudu and using the right hand at all time.
In this episode, Shaikh Assim Al-Hakeem explains the book of Purity from the Book of Umdat Al-Ahkam. He explained the seventh hadith from the book of Taharah in which he talk about types of impurity, rulings on cleaning the plates after dog licked it, the saliva of a Dog and washing of the plates eight times.
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