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In this episode Br. Michael Decero, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, relates his story of embracing Islam. He was born into a Sicilian family in South Philadelphia. Born a Roman Catholic Christian.
In this episode, Br. Eddie shows the reasons behind that women embrace and convert to Islam more than men and how they have found true freedom and peace in Islam.
Meet Mr. Dexter who was part of the Baptist Church but after very deep contemplation about life and what he was taught as a child and wondering about "who do you pray to" Jesus, Holy Ghost or God. He then decided after meeting a Muslim and being so impressed with the Muslims kindness, character and humility that he would look into Islam. After looking into Islam, he loved the clear and simple concept of only worshiping the creator alone and not any of his creations and its simple message of how to attain peace and purpose in life. He also loved that Islam was fact based and provided so much authentic evidence to prove that it was the truth.
In this episode, Br. Eddie discusses the reasons behind Muslims’ fasting in Ramadan. Also, this episode shows some of the scientific medical benefits of fasting.
In this episode, Dr. Jerimiah, whose parents were Christian preachers, relates how he came to know Islam as being the truth from God. As a Christian Dr. Jerimiah grew up in the Church and him and his family would go to the church almost every day. He fasted, prayed and would try and memorize parts of the Bible and also observed the Sabbath as well. They stuck to the Bible literally in everything they did until he finally found Islam.
In this episode, Br. Eddie discusses the issue of student Loan crisis and how borrowers are finding themselves in a paralyzing predicament of repaying two, three or multiple times the original amount borrowed, with no bankruptcy protection, no cap on fees and penalties and no recourse to the law.
In this episode of the Deen Show, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan discusses the issue of being the Quran as the only miraculous book in world that is memorized by millions,
In this episode, Br. Eddie discusses a very huge problem today that a great number of Muslims are affected by the dating and the solution for this problem.
In this episode, Br. Eddie discusses the Islamic prospective of happiness after the rapid spread of the song of William Pharrell “Happy” and shows.
In this episode, Br. Eddie shows that there are many people scared and confused about Islam because they are getting a negative image about Islam from the media. After watching this episode, you will have a real idea and understanding about what Islam is really all about.
In this episode, Br. Keenan Penson relates his story of being a Muslim. He found peace, happiness, and more love in Islam than he ever had in life before.
In this episode, Dr. Omar Ahmed Shahin gives some Islamic teaching which talk about Muslim kids in Islam.
In this episode, Br. Johm Fontain relates his story of being Muslim and explains the real message of Jesus.
In this episode of the Deen Show, Br. Eddie guests Br. Muhammad Ash-Shinnawi and asks him about the terrorism and its concept and how Muslim lives in this life as a the best Muslim.
In this episode, Dr. Jerald Dirks relates his story of embracing Islam although he was a Christian scholar.
Short paragraph about a European scientists embrace Islam because of what he found in the Quran of scientific facts which witnessed the validity of science in the twentieth century and was not known before.
How the Bible led me to Islam?
The story of the European scholar about his Islam
The spirit of the verses : Tawheed Allah Taala security in this world and the hereafter
Preacher spoke in this lecture on the concept of interaction between Muslims and non-Muslims, the evidence of the Quran and Sunnah.
Lecture in Yoruba language, the answer to the question: why God created us - the Almighty - ? Lecturer briefly answered that God - the Almighty - did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Him and that the only way to worship God alone is the religion of Islam.
A video meeting with Chinese language interpreter with Dr. Lawrence Brown, tells the journey of his faith, and that he was an atheist and offered him the incident made ​​him looking for the right religion to be converted to Islam.
Film of the definition of the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him. This section shows his Mercy Peace Be Upon Him on animal.
The selected Ruqyas can be easily used by any sensible adult to treat himself or his family members. They can also be used as daily and nightly supplications for protection from Satan and his allies. Must Watch!!!
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