Display Videos ( 1651 - 1675 of: 2027 )
Making Every Second Count
There are among those who believe in the popular saying ’Time is gold’. Time in Islam is worth more than gold or any precious material thing in this world. Of all religions, only Islam guides mankind not only to the importance of time but also how to value it. Allah the Almighty and His Messenger, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), very clearly tell us the value of time, why we must not waste it and how we can make use of our time wisely to increase our Iman (faith) and thus attain success, especially eternal success in the life Hereafter.
Islam and Racism
The topic of Islam and Racism addresses Islam is the complete surrender to the orders of the one giving orders and avoiding his forbidden without objection, but as a religious terminology it means the religion of Islam which the Prophet Muhammad came with and no other religions are accepted.
Islam and Modernism
Dr. Bilal Philips talks about Islam and Modernism. This is a must listen, an excellent and important talk for every Mu’min and Muslim!, followed by questions and answers section.
Deviation Of Ummah
In this episode Dr Bilal Philips discuss on the topic of “Deviation of Ummah” in which he emphasized on the meaning of Deviation and how Muslim Ummah should behave.
Belief in the Scriptures
An important Friday Sermon on the topic of Belief in the Scriptures, by Dr Bilal Philips.
Attaining Inner Peace in Times of Trial
In this episode Dr Bilal Philips delivers a talk in titled “Attaining Inner Peace in Times of Trial” in which he explains the difference between Believers and disbelievers, balance and harmony.
Source of Knowledge
In this episode Shaikh Saleh Al-Saleh explained in detail on the topic of “Source Of Knowledge” It is very important to know and seek knowledge from authentic trust sources.
The Definition of Faith
In this episode Shaikh Saleh Al-Saleh explained in detail on the topic of “The Definition of faith” this is a very sensitive topic and many people have gone astray regarding it. In which he has explained the meaning of faith in Ahl-us-Sunnah wa Al-Jamaah, the concept of Faith and understanding of this religion.
Who We Must Worship?
In this episode Shaikh Saleh Al-Saleh explained on the topic of “Who We Must Worship?” Human beings are in need to worship, but Who to worship? And What are his attributes? And how he will be worshiped? The lectures provide a good explanation to such hard questions.
Predestination (Al-Qada wa Al-Qadar)
In this episode Shaikh Saleh Al-Saleh explained in detail on the topic of “Al-Qada Wa Al-Qadar” this is a very sensitive topic and many people have gone astray regarding it. Some have denied it altogether while others have gone to such extremes in affirming it that they end up denying human free will.
The True Message of Jesus Christ
This is a very interesting topic in which Dr Bilal Philips explains the real message and religion which Jesus (Peace be upon him) came with, from both the Bible and the Quran.
The Moral Principles behind Belief in the Messengers of God
Allah had sent to every nation a messenger or a prophet to call them to worship Allah alone and abandoning the worship of other things.
The Moral Principles behind Belief in Allah (God)
Dr Bilal Philips talks about "the moral principles behind belief in Allah" in which he described the meaning of Faith in Allah, in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) Advice to Mu’adh
Here we’re going to be looking at another occasion in which the Prophet Muhammad (saws) gave Mu’adh a special message. A message which Mu’adh conveyed to the Ummah as a whole. This message contained a special du’a which the Prophet (saws) taught him and on the basis of which the Prophet (saws) expressed his great love for Mu’adh.
The Oneness of God - Part One
Many of the world’s 6 billion people do not believe in Allah as the only GOD worthy of worship. In fact, most either associate partners with ALLAH, or completely deny that he exists. This two part series helps explain the attributes of ALLAH All Mighty.
Studies in Islam
Dr. Bilal Philips speaks about Madhhabs (schools of Islamic law / thought), their history and evolution. Differences of opinion amongst the Madhhabs.
A great lecture delivered by Dr Bilal Philips on the topic of “Patience” in which he explained the importance and the reality of patience and also different types and levels of patience in the light of Quran and Sunnah, a very interesting talk.
Madhab of Rasulullah Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him)
Dr Bilal Philips delivers a lecture on the topic of “Madhab of Rasulullah Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)” in which he clearly demonstrates the Madhab of Rasulullah.
Is there a True Religion?
Dr Bilal Philips presents a very important lecture on the topic of “Is there a True Religion?” in which he describes the importance of Believing in One God, compared different religions because all religions claim that they alone are correct and the rest are false, then how will the seeker of true religion identify? Is there a True Religion?
Explanation of Ayat Al-Kursi
In this episode Shaikh Saleh Al-Saleh explained on the topic of “Explanation of Ayat Al-Kursi” in which he emphasize on the importance and virtues of this great verse from the Quran.
Belief in the World of Jinn
A great sermon on the topic of “Belief in the World of Jinn” Angels and Jinns The world of human beings, plants and animals is only that which meets the eye. Yet Allah has also created the Angels and the Jinns. All of this creation worships Him. It is an aspect of the Muslim’s belief to accept the existence of other beings. The Angels & Jinns looks at the Islamic viewpoint dealing with the nature of these creations and how they interact with our world.
Belief In Destiny
In this Friday Sermon Dr Bilal Philips delivers his talk on a very sensitive topic of “Belief In Destiny”, it is the sixth pillar of Faith, and many people gone astray regarding it. Some have denied it altogether while others have gone to such extremes in affirming it that they end up denying human free will.
Learn Tajweed with Shaikh Yasir Qadhi
Shaikh Yaser Qadhi embarks on a journey, a journey to take you through a very interesting topic and that is the Tajweed, The Noble Emissaries (As-Safara Al-Keram). In this series of episodes, he shows the importance of Tajweed, its rulings and the art of reciting the Quran.
30 - Learn Tajweed with Shaikh Yasir Qadhi - The Noble Emissaries (As-Safara Al-Keram)
Episode 30 – In this Final study circle Shaikh Yaser Qadhi explains How to memorize the Quran? He shows the practical steps for Memorizing the Quran, the best time for memorizing the Quran and gave examples from the teaching of Salaf.
29 - Learn Tajweed with Shaikh Yasir Qadhi - The Noble Emissaries (As-Safara Al-Keram)
Episode 29 – In this study circle Shaikh Yaser Qadhi explains the Tajweed Rules and characteristics of some letters, Demonstration of Proper Recitation by a Guest Shaikh Qari Nadi Rabee, with examples.
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