Display Videos ( 1451 - 1475 of: 2027 )
14 - Conclusion of the Series
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj handles the issue of rights and duties and how to fulfill both of them.
13 - Our Position toward the Disagreements of Mazahib
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj shows how our position should be towards the disagreement between the scholars.
12 - Reasons of the Disagreements between Mazahib
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj shows the reasons of disagreement between the scholars. This disagreement may be due to the authenticity of the reports or the meaning of the report.
11 - Sunnah vs Innovation and Disagreements between Mazahib
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj talks about fatwa making and giving and shows that we should be very careful about this, for the companions even the most knowledgeable ones were afraid to give fatwa.
10 - Preservation of the Sunnah
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj handles the issue of the preservation of the Sunnah and shows that the early scholars created a great system of verification of the reports, which were not existed before.
09 - The Classification of the Sunnah
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj handles the issue of the classification of the Sunnah according to its origin, five Islamic ruling. He also handles the issue of the obstacles and doubts in the way of following the Sunnah.
08 - Sources of Different Rules of Fiqh
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj handles the issue of the sources of the different rules of fiqh. He also shows the difference between innovation in the religious issues and worldly ones.
07 - Categories of Islamic Rulings
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj shows the five Islamic rulings: mandatory, preferable, permissible, disliked and prohibited. He also shows some useful issues which relate to each category.
06 - Fundamentals of Jurisprudence
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj handles some Islamic principles such as "Deeds are but by their intentions," "Certainty is not neglected by doubt," "Hardship must bring about causing," "No harm and nor reciprocating of harm," "Customs given consideration," "Using all pieces of evidences takes precedence over neglecting some".
05 - Excessiveness
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj shows the real definition of excessiveness. It is neither to stay away from suspicious matters nor to adopt the stricter opinions but excessiveness is to always take the stricter opinions just for they are strict or impose these opinions on people.
04 - How to Be on the Path of Moderation?
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj handles the issue of moderation. He confirms that all people ask each other to be moderate and at the same time they claim they are moderate. Thus we should have a criterion to know the way of moderation. Dr. Hatem confirms that Islam is a moderate religion so if we abide by the Islamic rules, we are on the path of moderation. Thus we cannot respond to those who want Islam to be moderate, for Islam is actually a moderate religion.
03 - Popular Students and Our Position with mazaheb
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj mentions the direct and indirect students of the Four Imams. As for Imam Abu Haneefah, his direct students are such as: Zufar, Abu Yusuf and Muhammad ibn Al-Hasan. The indirect students are such as Al-Karkhi, As-Sarkhasi and At-Tahawi. As for Imam Malek, his direct students are such as Ibn Al-Qasem, Abdullah ibn Wahb and Al-Qanabi. The indirect students are such as Al-Qurtubi, Ibn Al-Arabi and Ash-Shatibi. As for Imam Ash-Shafi’i, his direct students are such as Al-Humaidi and Al-Muzani. The indirect students are such as Al-Ghazali, An-Nawawi, Adh-Dhahabi, Ibn Kathir and Ibn Hajar and As-Suyuti. As for Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, his direct students are such as Ash-Shafi’i and Al-Bukhari. The indirect students are such as Ibn Rajab, Ibn Qudama, Ibn Taimeyyah and Ibn Al-Qayyem. Also, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj shows the position we should take from the madhaheb.
02 - Scholars of Fiqh
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj gives short biographies of the Four Imams, Abu Haneefah, Malek ibn Anas, Ash-Shafi’i and Ahmad ibn Hanbal and shows their teachers.
01 - Fiqh, Its Importance, Its Sources and Its Schools
In this part, Dr. Hatem Al-Haj gives a general introduction to the series and shows the meaning of "Evolution of Fiqh". He begins his lecture mentioning the meaning of fiqh and its importance. Afterwards, he shows the sources and different schools of fiqh.
Ask Huda (Feb. 6, 2012)
This is an episode for fatwa in which Dr. Hatem Al-Hajj answers the questions of the viewers in all fields of life.
What is Islam?
In this episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes Explains the meaning of Islam in detail.
Attributes of Mecca and the Kaaba in the Bible
Video displays some text taken from the Bible and these texts refer to the many descriptions which describes Mecca and the Kaaba as clearly evident.
The importance of prayer and directions on how to offer prayer.
The Secrets of Salah
A lecture given by Shaykh Abdur Raheem McCarthy in Qatar on the Secrets of Salah. The lecture was initially named "The Fiqh of Salah", however, the subject was changed at the beginning of the lecture.
Quran & Science Part III: Insects & Skins
This episode shows the reality of religion Islam, the Quran talks about the insects and now scientist discovering so how did Muhammad (PBUH) realize.
Quran & Science Part II: Embryology
This episode shows the truth about religion Islam in brief.
Quran & Science Part I : Expansion of the universe & Noble prize
A scientific proof that the Qur’an is from God and that Muhammad is a Messenger of God.
Why Wesley Lebron accepted to Islam?
In this show we talk to Wesley Lebron to find out why he chose Islam as his way of life and what was it about Islam that over took him and had him surrender and submit to the Creator of all that exist.
Journey to Islam
"Journey to Islam: Latino Muslims Share Their Story" by Br. Mujahid Fletcher. I think Islam would be the perfect religion for you. Take some advice, read the Quran and understand its true meaning. If you need any help or you have any questions, go to our website old.islamhouse.com and ask your questions here. Very interesting story.
The Destroyer of Pleasures
A short but influential admonition regarding death.
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