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( English )
Important book the author says in his introduction "Here I reproduce all these facts as deduced from one of the most important books of the Shi’a, upon which they rely heavily to prove their faith. I appeal to every Shi’a to look into these facts with all sincerity and justice and to give his judgement after that about his faith and his attribution to it. If his judgement is in favor of his religion and the soundness of its attribution to it, he could carry on with his beliefs. On the contrary, if he comes to conclude that his belief is totally false and all what is attributed towards it is abhorrent, it becomes incumbent upon every Shi’a in order to be sincere to himself and to seek his salvation to abandon it, and absolve himself from it and let himself be accommodating to what has been accepted by the millions of the Muslims i.e. the book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Messenger (SAS)."

( English )
This work is an abridgement of the author’s The Life, Teachings and Influence of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab. Being an abridgement, many details were deleted and lengthy discussions were cut short, however, the bulk of the topics touched upon in the original work are also discussed here. (Only the review of English literature concerning Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab has been completely removed for this abridgement.)

( English )
Due to the importance of showing the position attained by the people of the household of the Prophet Muhammad (Ahl Al-Bait) in the sight of the companions of the Prophet (The Sahabah) and those who followed them in goodness, the author delivered this lecture on this topic 16 years ago at the conference hall of the Islamic University of Medina. And now he have seen the need of generalizing the benefit by writing a brief note on this topic. he named it: THE VIRTUE OF AHL AL-BAIT (The people of the household of the Prophet Mohammad ) AND THE HIGH POSITION THEY ATTAINED IN THE SIGHT OF AHL AS-SUNNAH WAL JAMA’AH This topic is made up of 10 chapters: Chapter one: Who are Ahl Al-Bait? Chapter two: An outline of the faith of Ahl Al-Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah towards Ahl Al-Bait. Chapter three: The virtues of Ahl Al-Bait in the Holy Qur’an Chapter four: The virtues of Ahl Al-Bait in the pure Sunnah of the Prophet Chapter five: The high status of Ahl Al-Bait in the sight of the Sahabah (companions of the Prophet ) and their followers in goodness. Chapter six: Praises of some Scholars on a group of Sahabah from Ahl Al-Bait Chapter seven: Praises of some Scholars on a group of female Sahabah from Ahl Al-Bait Chapter eight: Praises of some Scholars on a group of Tabi’ins and others from Ahl Al-Bait. Chapter nine: A comparison between the faith of Ahl As-Sunnah and others towards Ahl Al-Bait. Chapter ten: The prohibition of false affiliation (claiming to be related falsely) to Ahl Al-Bait.

( English )
this book cite that the qualities of Allah’s Legislation, it preserves justice and gives everyone his right, without any excess or failure. Allah ordained justice, mercy and generosity towards relatives and He also sent the prophets, revealed the Books and carried out everything in this world and in the hereafter with justice. Justice consists in giving to each individual the right and in placing him on the rank he deserves, which can only be obtained by knowing everyone’s rights. That is why we chose to speak about the essential of these rights so that the servant can then put into practice what he will have learnt within the limits of his capabilities. These rights can be resumed as: 1. The rights of Allah 2. The rights of the Prophet() 3. The rights of the parents 4. The rights of the children 5. The rights of relatives 6. The rights of spouses 7. The rights of the governors and the governed 8. The rights of the neighbours 9. The rights of Muslims in general 10. The rights of non-muslims. These are the rights we briefly want to talk about in this work

( English )
Human Rights in Islam and Common Misconceptions: In this booklet the author address human rights in the light of perfectly balanced system of laws and principles of Islam. These rights are bases on revelations from the Divine Book of Muslims, the Glorious Qur’an and from the Sunnah, the practice of Allah’s Messenger -pbuh- the two main sources of Islamic life and jurisprudence.

( English )
A booklet containing a collection of messages and questions by Sheikh Ibn Baz -may God have mercy on him) that related to the Tawheed on the slaves, and the warning of the largest and smallest polytheism and its means.

( English )
This book shows what the Muslim must consider useful for achieving happiness.

( English )
this book talk about definition of debate and its objectives; then describe briefly the causes of differences of opinion among people. After that, it will discuss the main principles and rules of debate. and conclude with the moral guidelines of debate.

( English )
this book talk about definition of debate and its objectives; then describe briefly the causes of differences of opinion among people. After that, it will discuss the main principles and rules of debate. and conclude with the moral guidelines of debate., and containing the following elements: 1) Introduction to debate and its objectives. 2) The cause of differences in opinion between people. 3) A total explanation of rules of debate and its principles. 4) The explanation of its rules and characteristics.

( English )
In this book, the author mention some provisions relating to Muslim women in brief, like : - Legal Rulings Regarding the Muslim Women. - Rights of the Woman on Her Husband. - The Veil (Hijab). -Legal Rulings on Menstruation and Post-Partum Bleeding.
Recently Added ( All languages )

( French )
Why did you choose Islam : the true story of a priest accepting Islam.

( French )
Lecture in French, which is the third in a series of lectures in the preferred translation of Islam, delivered by Sheikh Khalid Bin Abdul Rahman Al Shaya on the outskirts of Paris.

( French )
Lecture in French, which is the second in a series of lectures in the preferred translation of Islam, delivered by Sheikh Khalid Bin Abdul Rahman Al Shaya on the outskirts of Paris.

( French )
Lecture in French, which is the first in a series of lectures in the preferred translation of Islam, delivered by Sheikh Khalid Bin Abdul Rahman Al Shaya on the outskirts of Paris.

( French )
Question answered by Shaykh Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid - may God protect him - and reads : « Why do Muslims think that their religion is right ? Do they have compelling reasons? »

( French )
Video clip of the French language interpreter, shows the stages of the creation of man as contained in the Quran.

( Hebrew )
This brief article about Islam of a companian Abdullah bin Salam - God bless him - by turning from Judaism after he was dead from their rabbis to the true religion of Islam.

( Hebrew )
Book translated into Hebrew addresses an important topic, which is the concept of Islam from social justice and the fight against injustice as a basis for the establishment of peace in the international community.

( Hebrew )
Islam and the fight against racial discrimination