Display Videos ( 1851 - 1875 of: 2178 )
Episode 2 – In this study circle Shaikh Yaser Qadhi talks about the Spiritual and Physical Etiquette of Reciting The Holy Quran.
Episode 1 – In this study circle Shaikh Yaser Qadhi gives basic Introduction to the Series and explains the Importance and the Significance of Tajweed.
A great lecture by Shaikh Yusuf Estes regarding “Why the West Needs Islam”.
This lecture deals with misconceptions, misunderstandings and falsehood attributed to Islam.
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the best role model for all humankind. Among his outstanding virtues and characteristics, he was an extraordinary husband, a perfect father, and a unique grandfather. He was also a great statesman, judge, and spiritual leader. His most distinctive quality, however, was the fact that he was a blessing to all in both word and deed.
This lecture covers a detailed background on the various aspects of Shirk and goes into discussion on how a great number of people may fall prey of going into/committing shirk realizing it. Additionally, towards the end the speaker answers questions from the audience.
Share this video with everyone. Watch this former Christian preacher go to Makkah and to the pilgrimage Hajj.
A great lecture delivered by Shaikh Yusuf Estes on the topic of “Our Children Our Future”.
Abdur Raheem Green speaks on the love of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) and His Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - peace be upon him).
Say (O Muhammad S.A.W to mankind): "If you (really) love Allah then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." 3:31
An explanation of the ’real’ message and religion which Jesus (peace be upon him) came with, from both the Bible and the Qur’an.
Shaikh Abdul Raheem Green talks on the topic of Islam at Crossroads in which he discusses why bad things happen to good people?
Shaikh Yusuf Estes Explains the basics of Islam including the five pillars of Islam to Non-Muslims.
Shaikh Yaser Qadhi speaks on the topic of Current State of the Ummah, where he emphasize on our current status and the points in which we are lacking behind.
A very good advice to Muslims by Shaikh Yusuf Estes.
This is very interesting video which we present to be a beacon for the pilgrims and who wants to perform Umrah to avoid mistakes during this trip. It shows the rites of hajj step by step. He also shows the results (i.e. expiation and ransom) of leaving a rite of these rites. It refers to the misconceptions and common mistakes made by pilgrims. It also mentions the required etiquette which should be taken into account while visiting the Mosque of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Towards a More Peaceful Society - Abdur Raheem Green embraced Islam over 20 years ago and since that time has been active in the field of da’wah. Abdurraheem was educated in a Christian monastic school and although held strong Christian principles dabbled with other religions. This continual quest to find meaning to life eventually led him to Islam.
Towards a More Peaceful Society - Abdur Raheem Green embraced Islam over 20 years ago and since that time has been active in the field of da’wah. Abdurraheem was educated in a Christian monastic school and although held strong Christian principles dabbled with other religions. This continual quest to find meaning to life eventually led him to Islam.
Issues pertaining to Ramadan, innovations revolving around the fast and misconceptions and misunderstandings many Muslims have concerning the fast and Ramadan. Lecture will be followed by Q&A session.
Ramadan have passed...what have you done? What have you done with the book of Allah in the month of Ramadan?
Was he really a prophet? In this video, we’ll be looking at the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in an analytical and rational way.
You’ve heard and read terrible things about Sharia but you’re an open minded person and want to give the Muslims a chance to speak and be heard. This video will shed some light on Sharia law for the curious non-Muslims.
What is true Freedom? Are we enslaved? What is Islam? Modern Challenges, Islamic Solutions All this and more with Abdur-Raheem Green!
Question and Answer Session of the lecture "the Oft Neglected Major Sins by Abdur Raheem Green".
Abdur Rahim Green talks about Islam and Democracy. A very interesting topic and lecture.
Do not sell your deen. The life of this world is a transient shade. Question and Answer Session.
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