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Explanation of Book of Monotheism [50] Every name which leads to the service other than Allah is prohibited: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [49] To say this wealth is result of my labor and knowledge is against taw: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [47] Respect of names of Allah and changing one’s name because of that: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [46] To be named Judge of Judges and like: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [45] Whoever curses time has wronged Allah: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [44] To say: What Allah wills and you will: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [43] What is said about one who is not satisfied by oath taken by Allah: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [42] Don’t set up rivals on to Allah:In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [41] Recognising the grace of Allah and then denying it is disbelief: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [40] Whoever denies any names and attributes of Allah: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [38] Obeying ulema that they allow which Allah forbid and forbidding which Allah allowed: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [37] Doing good deeds for wordly reasons is shirk: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [36] Riyah Doing things so people could see it: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [35] A part of Imaan is a patience on that which Allah decreed: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [34] One who is secure from Allah is only who is already lost: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
These are very useful files show how to pray. At first, they talk about the journey of Al-Israa and Al-Miraj. Afterwards, illustrate some related issues to prayer such as: wudu (ablution) from the prospective of cleanliness, intention, tayammun, nullifiers of ablution, when bathing (ghusl) is required, importance of prayer, place of prayer, forbidden places of prayer, how to perform prayer of two, three and four units, and the number of obligatory prayers.
These are some of the tips on how to make Dawah to atheist, what are the main concepts you should concentrate on? These are only some points but they have deep meanings. One should know that he must face different minds while he is calling others to Islam. Nevertheless one should be very interested in calling others to Islam.
Explanation of Book of Monotheism [31] They love them as they love Allah: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief in Tawhid (monotheism) is the purpose for which Allah created both mankind and jinn.
In this episode Dr Bilal Philips talks in detail on a very important topic in which he shows how a Muslim can strengthen his faith and be steadfast on the straight path.
In this episode Dr Bilal Philips talks in detail on a very important topic of “Belief in the World of Jinn” Angels and Jinns. The world of human beings, plants and animals is only that which meets the eye. Yet Allah has also created the Angels and the Jinns. All of this creation worships Him. It is an aspect of the Muslim’s belief to accept the existence of other beings.
In this episode Dr Bilal Philips talks in detail on a very important topic of ‘The True Story of Dajjal’ in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
In this episode Dr Bilal Philips talks in detail on a very important and very interesting topic the Ideal Muslim Student in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
In this episode Dr Bilal Philips talks in detail on a very important topic of ‘Knowing Our Purpose’ in which he explained the importance of worshiping One God, following Islam as our ideal religion, following Quran and Sunnah.
In this episode Dr Bilal Philips talks in detail on a very important topic of ‘How I Came to Islam from Darkness to Light’, Hear the exciting story of how he came to Islam in this great lecture.
This brief video explains the meaning of Altruism, its manners, its attributes and its importance which Islam has emphasised on; the perfect altruism of the earliest Muslim society is a unique example for later generations.
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