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Ramadan Reminders Episode 23
In this 23nd episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about the life of this world and the life after death. Preparing ourselves for the big day. This is an overall reminder for every Muslim in this bless full month of Ramadan. The importance of Iteekaaf and its reward by Allah.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 22
In this 22st episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about obeying Allah and his massagers, the Importance of slaughtering and its reward.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 21
In this 21th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about the importance of the meaning of La illaha illah Allah, keeping away from Satan and his whispers. We must tell the truth at all time.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 20
In this 20th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about the importance of giving charity to poor people, getting the reward by Allah and pleasing others by doing charity work. The more you spent in the cause of Allah the more Allah will bless you.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 19
In this 19th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes explains about religion Islam is a peaceful religion, it teaches us about peace and prohibits terrorism. Whoever spreads the message of Allah will be rewarded by God.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 18
In this 18th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about the importance of worshiping the Creator not the creation. We must worship One God and avoid making partners with him. We must understand the importance of worshiping One God Allah.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 17
In this 17th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about the month of Ramadan in which Muslims do good deeds and enter into the mercy of Allah. The importance of saying Truth and its reward by Allah. Allah is the All Knower and All Hearer. There is only one God to be worshiped.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 16
In this 16th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about those people who are good in this life will enter in Paradise and those who were bad in this life will enter the Hellfire. We have been encouraged to fast in this month to get more reward by Allah.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 15
In this 15th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about the importance of reading and memorizing the Holy Quran in the month of Ramadan. The rulings on one who listens to music and the punishment that will be given by Allah. A Muslim must keep away from music at all time.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 14
In this 14th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about the month of Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed, the importance of spending our time in good deeds and worship. The remembrance of Zikr Allah is also very essential in this month.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 13
In this 13th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about hypocrisy as a very bad disease. The meaning of Zikr was explained and the great reward that will be given by Allah.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 12
In this 12th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about hypocrites ( Munafeqeen) and their punishment, we should try to purify ourselves by purifying our heart and cleaning it. Try to keep away from Satan and devils. We should not argue ourselves in small matters but we should try to solve the problem in a best way according to the Quran and Sunnah.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 11
In this 11th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about spying on others, Islam forbids on spying each other in any way, In Islam backbiting is also forbidden and there are many dangers of it. We should try to protect our tongue from bad conversation. This is a very important reminder for all Muslims.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 10
In this 10th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about backbiting and the dangers of it. A Muslim shouldn’t have negative assumptions and negative thoughts about other people. We should try to think of positive and look for positive aspects in our lives.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 09
In this 9th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about the meaning of associating partners with Allah ( Shirk) and its severe punishment by Allah. We must get together in this month and do good deeds. We must keep away from the whispers of devil and worship Allah Alone. A great episode to watch!!!
Ramadan Reminders Episode 08
In this 8th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about the meaning of Sabr (patience) and the benefits of being patient. A Muslim should fast for the sake of Allah and not for showing off. What is the meaning of Kibr and its punishment. A very important reminder needs to be remembered.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 07
In this 7th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about Al-Birr, what is the meaning of Al-Birr?, what is the meaning of Nifaaq? And also explained briefly the meaning of Al-Riyaa ( showing off). Whoever pleases Allah then Allah will be pleased with them. The importance of Charity, its virtues and benefits.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 06
In this 6th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about how a Muslim should behave in this glorious month of Ramadan and the importance of Taqwa and faith.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 05
In this 5th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about the explanation of the verse in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 185, the importance of fasting and those people who must fast in this month. The importance of doing Dua and asking forgiveness.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 04
In this 4rd episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about his experience on fasting for the first time after accepting Islam, after taking the declaration, he started to pray 5 times a day, fasting in the month of Ramadan, started giving charity and went on pilgrimage to Makkah for Hajj.
Ramadan Reminders Episode 03
In this 3th episode Shaikh Yusuf Estes talks about the virtues for doing Umrah in Ramadan, the importance of Iteekaaf and Ibadah. Ramadan is the best time to give Dawah to Muslims and Non-Muslims.
Reward for fasting six days of Shawwal after Ramadan
In this episode Shaikh Yaser Qadhi explains the importance of fasting the six days of Shawwal, its Rulings and its reward in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
10 tips to end Ramadan in the best way & Celebrating Eid
As the crescent for the new month dawns upon us Shaykh Yasir Qadhi has prepared a special khutbah on 10 practical tips on how to end Ramadan in the best way and keep the spirit of Ramadan alive throughout our lives and until we meet Allah, insha’Allah.
This Friday Khutbah provides 10 practical tips and reminders on how to end Ramadan in the best way and the Sunnah of celebrating Eid.
The Night of Decree - Laylatul Qadr
This Friday Khutbah covers the Night of Decree Laylatul Qadr by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi. The significance of the Night of Decree, signs of Laylatul Qadr, the night of power majesty and decree in the last 10 nights of Ramadan. The meanings of Laylatul Qadr, the reward and the virtues of this night was explained in detail.
A Date with Dr Zakir Naik Episode 20 –  Laylatul Qadr
In this episode Dr Zakir Naik talks on the topic of “Laylatul Qadr” in which he explained the meaning of Laylatul Qadr, the virtues of the night of power, it is better then 1000 months worship, this is a night of decree and if any one prays in this night Allah will forgive all his previous sins. The importance of the night of power, its benefits, its reward and its blessings for those who worship in it. A very important episode. Must Watch!!!
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