Kemtanou yalla thi natoub febar

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Tour bi: Kemtanou yalla thi natoub febar
Lâkk yi: Wolof
Wakhtânekatebi: Mohammed Ahmed lo
Khamlé gou teunkou: Febar natoutoub borombila thi ab diamame, lebi febar khewalla, febare dayfar ay bakar…
Bess bi gnouko dougal: 2014-11-18
Adréss bougnou gâttal b:
Lî môy téktaloup khâjalé yi am thi lignou ajou thi khâjalé yi di gneuw
Lî môye karte bignou têkki thi lâkk yî di gneuw: Arab
Yi thi ânde ( 1 )
Kemtanou yalla thi natoub febar
4.2 MB
: Kemtanou yalla thi natoub febar.mp3
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