The Greatest Satan-A Book About Shittes

Title: The Greatest Satan-A Book About Shittes
Language: Bosnian
Authorship: Khalid Toletch
Publisher: Islamic Propagation Office in Rabwah
Short Discription: Shiites is a sect with different names: When it is said about them ’Rafidites’ this is for rejecting Abu bakr and Umar as caliphs and for slandering the companions of the prophet peace be upon him.And when it is said about them ’Shia’ah’ this is for believing that the rightful successor to Prophet Muhammad should have been Ali ibn Abi Talib and the leadership should only be from his sons. And when it is said about
them’ Athna Asharaia’(The Twelvers) this is for believing in the leadership of the twelve imams and that the last one of them (Mohamed Ibn Al Hassan Al Asakary) entered the vault.And when it is said about them ’Imamiyha’ this for setting Imamiyha divinely leadership as the fifth pillar of Islam.And when it is said about them ’Ja’farīya’ this for attributing themselves to Ja’far as-Sādiq whom they consider the sixth imam and who was from the great jurists of his age.This sect attributes itself to him falsely with no evidence.
them’ Athna Asharaia’(The Twelvers) this is for believing in the leadership of the twelve imams and that the last one of them (Mohamed Ibn Al Hassan Al Asakary) entered the vault.And when it is said about them ’Imamiyha’ this for setting Imamiyha divinely leadership as the fifth pillar of Islam.And when it is said about them ’Ja’farīya’ this for attributing themselves to Ja’far as-Sādiq whom they consider the sixth imam and who was from the great jurists of his age.This sect attributes itself to him falsely with no evidence.
Addition Date: 2008-01-21
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