Glavni razgovori konferencije Džimas - sedmi put

AUDIO ID kartica
Naslov: Glavni razgovori konferencije Džimas - sedmi put
Jezik: Engleski
Predavač: Grupa učenjaka
Kratki opis: Govori koji su se održavali na pomenutoj konferenciji.
Objavljeno: 2007-09-26
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Ovaj post je uvršten u sljedeću kategoriju:
Ova ID kartica je prevedena na sljedeće jezike: Engleski - Arapski - Bangalski - Tajlandski - Malajalamski - Uzbekistanski
Atačmenti ( 12 )
Welcome speech - by Abu Muntasir.
11.2 MB
: Welcome speech - by Abu Muntasir..mp3
Keynote speech [ Striking the Balance into the Millennium ] - by Bilal Philips.
16.3 MB
: Keynote speech [ Striking the Balance into the Millennium ] - by Bilal Philips..mp3
The Importance of Knowledge - by Shaikh Sohaib Hasan.
16.6 MB
: The Importance of Knowledge - by Shaikh Sohaib Hasan..mp3
The Rights of Allah and Our Duty Towards Him - by Shaikh Wajdi al-Ghazzawi.
15.8 MB
: The Rights of Allah and Our Duty Towards Him - by Shaikh Wajdi al-Ghazzawi..mp3
The Rights of the Messenger and the Relevance of the Sunnah - by Shaikh Jamal Zarabozo.
15.9 MB
: The Rights of the Messenger and the Relevance of the Sunnah - by Shaikh Jamal Zarabozo..mp3
Seeking Paradise Through Brotherhood [ Our Rights Over Each Other ] - by Shaikh Salim al-Amry.
16.4 MB
: Seeking Paradise Through Brotherhood [ Our Rights Over Each Other ] - by Shaikh Salim al-Amry..mp3
The Rights of Non-Muslims and Our Responsibility Towards Them - by Bilal Philips.
16.4 MB
: The Rights of Non-Muslims and Our Responsibility Towards Them - by Bilal Philips..mp3
Success Lies In Our Good Character - by Shaikh Wajdi al-Ghazzawi.
15.4 MB
: Success Lies In Our Good Character - by Shaikh Wajdi al-Ghazzawi..mp3
Signs Before the Day of Judgement - by Shaikh Ali Timimi.
14 MB
: Signs Before the Day of Judgement - by Shaikh Ali Timimi..mp3
The Blessings of Islam - Being Content as a Muslim - by Shaikh Salim al-Amry.
15.5 MB
: The Blessings of Islam - Being Content as a Muslim - by Shaikh Salim al-Amry..mp3
Conclusion - Part 1 - by various of the speakers.
15.8 MB
: Conclusion - Part 1 - by various of the speakers..mp3
Conclusion - Part 2 - by various of the speakers.
8.8 MB
: Conclusion - Part 2 - by various of the speakers..mp3
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